Help for Foxhound 5.0.5516a

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Also see the Foxhound and RisingRoad websites.

Connection timeout for target...

See "Connection timeout:" on the Foxhound Options page.

Could not bind to address...

Some other web server is already using the HTTP port, try another port number.

Danger: The table ... has no primary key or unique constraint, but does have a unique index.

Without a primary key or unique constraint, some operations may be slow.

This table has more than one million rows so there is a very real danger those operations will be extremely slow; think geological time scale :)

Danger: The table ... has no primary key, unique constraint or unique index.

Because there is no way to uniquely identify each row in this table, queries and database recovery operations may be slow.

This table has more than one million rows so there is a very real danger those operations will be extremely slow; think geological time scale :)

Data source name not found and no default driver specified

If you are connecting via the String tab, here are the likely causes:

If you are connecting via the DSN tab, this is an unlikely symptom because Foxhound only lets you pick from existing ODBC DSN entries. Use the ODBC Administrator link to check the ODBC DSN; this also forces Foxhound to refresh the list.

Database server not found

Here are some possibilities:

Database server shutdown due to startup error

Some other web server may already be using the HTTP port; if so, try another port number.

Error 1306. Another application has exclusive access to the file C:\ ... \foxhound5.db. Please shut down all other applications, then click Retry.

Use Task Manager to stop the Foxhound's process dbeng10.exe:

Task Manager - Processes - select Image Name dbeng10.exe - click on End Process Click on Retry in the "Error 1306" dialog.

file is unavailable

Look in the target database server console log for a message like this: Cannot open dbspace 'xxx' from file 'incorrect-filespec'.

To fix the problem, ALTER the DBSPACE and then restart the engine: ALTER DBSPACE xxx RENAME 'correct-filespec';

Foxhound needs JavaScript to be enabled.

Foxhound needs "JavaScript" or "Active scripting" to be enabled in the browser; here's how:

Foxhound stopped

Sampling stopped because the Foxhound engine was not running.

Foxhound was not available yet, probably because the Foxhound engine had not finished starting up.

Try connecting from the browser again.

Info: Procedure rroad_connection_properties has been upgraded from build number xxxx to yyyy on zzz

You installed a new Foxhound build, and it successfully pushed the new version of this stored procedure to a target database.

Info: Procedure rroad_database_properties has been upgraded from build number xxxx to yyyy on zzz

You installed a new Foxhound build, and it successfully pushed the new version of this stored procedure to a target database.

Info: Procedure rroad_engine_properties has been upgraded from build number xxxx to yyyy on zzz

You installed a new Foxhound build, and it successfully pushed the new version of this stored procedure to a target database.

invalid database engine command line

If Foxhound is trying to make connection to a local SQL Anywhere 5.5 target database, make sure that "Agent - Not Specified" is selected on the Startup Options dialog box of the ODBC DSN. In particular, the registry entry for the ODBC DSN should not include an "Agent"="..." line.

Invalid user ID or password

Passwords may be cAsE sEnSiTiVe in your Version 10 target database.

Note: The table ... has more than one index on columns ( ... ):

Multiple indexes on the same columns often indicate an inefficiency or error in database design. Sometimes multiple indexes are redundant, and redundant indexes may waste space in the database; they may also waste time every time a row is inserted or deleted, and every time the indexed columns are updated. Other times, multiple indexes aren't redundant, but they still might indicate a flaw in the database design.

Note: Versions 10 and later of SQL Anywhere do not create duplicate physical indexes when duplicate logical indexes are defined. However, Foxhound still warns about these duplicates because it may be a design issue. The duplication may affect performance; e.g., if one of the indexes is incorrect it may not be used to improve performance in the way it was intended. It may also affect integrity; e.g., if one of the indexes is a foreign key referring to the wrong column it may not be used to check referential integrity in the way it was intended.

Note: Versions 7 and later of SQL Anywhere automatically create a separate unique index for every PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE column or table constraint that you define, as well as a separate non-unique index for every FOREIGN KEY constraint. There is no reason to explicitly create indexes on the same columns, and such indexes are redundant.

However, versions 5 and 6 of SQL Anywhere create a combined index for each PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint; this index "also contains the entries for all foreign keys that reference this table, whether those foreign keys appear in the same table or in a different one" (from the ASA 6 User's Guide, Chapter 25, The effect of column order in a composite index). These combined indexes can be much larger than an ordinary index on the primary key or unique constraint columns, and in those cases an explicitly created unique index on the same columns may improve performance. Such indexes are no longer needed in versions 7 and later.

The following discussion is written in terms of SQL Anywhere Version 9; i.e., separate indexes are automatically created for all primary keys, unique constraints and foreign keys.

Each list of two or more indexes is sorted by "relative importance" to help you choose which ones to keep: primary key first, then foreign key, UNIQUE constraint, UNIQUE index and finally non-unique index.

Each pair of multiple indexes should be considered separately, as follows:

Note: The table ... has no primary key or unique constraint, but does have a unique index.

Without a primary key or unique constraint, some operations may be slow.

This table currently has fewer than 1,000 rows so there may be no performance problems, but if the table grows larger those operations may become extremely slow.

Note: The table ... has no primary key, unique constraint or unique index.

Because there is no way to uniquely identify each row in this table, queries and database recovery operations may be slow.

This table currently has fewer than 1,000 rows so there may be no performance problems, but if the table grows larger those operations may become extremely slow.

Note: This view has no column definitions in SYSCOLUMN; it may contain a syntax error.

This is an informational message only.

This view may raise a syntax error if you use it in a SQL statement.

Permission denied: Cannot CREATE PROCEDURE rroad_connection_properties.

Foxhound will still work but performance may be affected, especially if there are a lot of connections to the target database.

One solution is to GRANT RESOURCE to the user id Foxhound uses to connect to the target database.

Another solution is to create the procedures yourself on the target database, with the Foxhound user id as the owner.

For more information see Foxhound Help - Introduction and Setup - Connecting to Target Databases.

Permission denied: Cannot CREATE PROCEDURE rroad_database_properties.

Foxhound will still work but performance may be affected, especially if there are a lot of connections to the target database.

One solution is to GRANT RESOURCE to the user id Foxhound uses to connect to the target database.

Another solution is to create the procedures yourself on the target database, with the Foxhound user id as the owner.

For more information see Foxhound Help - Introduction and Setup - Connecting to Target Databases.

Permission denied: Cannot CREATE PROCEDURE rroad_engine_properties.

Foxhound will still work but performance may be affected, especially if there are a lot of connections to the target database.

One solution is to GRANT RESOURCE to the user id Foxhound uses to connect to the target database.

Another solution is to create the procedures yourself on the target database, with the Foxhound user id as the owner.

For more information see Foxhound Help - Introduction and Setup - Connecting to Target Databases.

Pick a valid ODBC DSN, and specify the user id and password on the Foxhound DSN tab or inside the DSN itself

When using the "DSN" tab to connect, the user id and password values must be specified together, either in the Foxhound "User Id:" and "Password:" fields, or inside the ODBC DSN.

Procedure rroad_connection_properties not used; build number xxxx is more recent than Foxhound build number yyyy

A newer version of the Foxhound Monitor was previously used on this target database.

Use that version of Foxhound instead of this one, or drop the procedure from the target database so the old version of Foxhound can use its own version.

Procedure rroad_database_properties not used; build number xxxx is more recent than Foxhound build number yyyy

A newer version of the Foxhound Monitor was previously used on this target database.

Use that version of Foxhound instead of this one, or drop the procedure from the target database so the old version of Foxhound can use its own version.

Procedure rroad_engine_properties not used; build number xxxx is more recent than Foxhound build number yyyy

A newer version of the Foxhound Monitor was previously used on this target database.

Use that version of Foxhound instead of this one, or drop the procedure from the target database so the old version of Foxhound can use its own version.

Request Time-Out (408)

Use to=600;kto=600 options when starting the Foxhound engine, as in -xs http(port=80;maxsize=0;to=600;kto=600)

Request to start/stop database denied

Your ODBC DSN may be trying to auto-start the target database on the Foxhound engine because no value has been specified the target server name. Go to the Database tab in the ODBC Configuration for your DSN and fill in the "Server name:" field with the same value as the "Database name:" field. If the "Database name:" is empty, use the file name from the "Database file:" field; e.g., if your database file is c:\path\xyz.db, put xyz in the "Server name:" field.

Sampling stopped

Samples were not recorded because you clicked Stop Sampling.

Specified database file already in use

Use the ODBC Administrator link to check the ODBC DSN for a problem like this:

The "Database file:" field is filled in and "Start database automatically" is checked, but the database is already running. If your ODBC DSN specifies different "Server name" and/or "Database name" values than the ones already in use, it will try to start the same database file a second time, and that is not allowed. If that is the case, change the "Server name" and/or "Database name" values to match the ones already in use. You can leave the "Database file:" field is filled in and "Start database automatically" checked if you want, so your ODBC DSN will auto-start the database when it isn't already running.

Specified database not found

Check ODBC DSN or connection string for a problem like one of these:

SQL Anywhere version ... not supported.

Foxhound currently supports only databases created with SQL Anywhere 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

SQL Anywhere version ... or later is required to run this application.

Other versions of SQL Anywhere can be used to run the databases being displayed, but Foxhound itself requires a particular version to run.

Syntax error: near 'rroad_engine_properties' in "[rroad_engine_properties]"

If the target database is using SQL Anywhere 5.5, try upgrading to

Syntax error: syntax error near 'creator'

If the target database is using SQL Anywhere 5.5, try upgrading to

Syntax error: syntax error near 'sa_conn_properties'

If the target database is using SQL Anywhere 5.5, try upgrading to

Syntax error: syntax error near 'table_name'

If the target database is using SQL Anywhere 5.5, try upgrading to

The connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost

Start the Foxhound engine and try again.

The page cannot be displayed

If the URL is http://localhost:12347/rroad_foxhound, start the Foxhound engine and try again.

The table or view ... was not found, probably because it has been recently dropped.

The right frame is displayed using up-to-date information from the target database. This message is produced when you click on a link for a table or view that has been dropped since the link was displayed.

There are no user tables to display.

This database only contains system tables. You can see the system tables by checking Include system tables on the main menu.

This monitor session has been stopped and the samples have been deleted.

This database monitor session can no longer be displayed because it has been stopped and all the corresponding data has been deleted.

If you want to start monitoring this database again, open a new Foxhound menu and then use the Monitor Database button on the DSN or String tab of the Foxhound menu.

To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer.

In Internet Explorer, go to Tools - Internet Options... - Advanced tab - Security options.

Check "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer".

Too many sampling sessions in progress. Stop one and try again.

Foxhound supports up to 10 sampling sessions at one time. Try stopping one of the other sampling sessions; this one should then be able to start automatically.

Unable to connect to database server: Database server not running

Use the ODBC Administrator link to check the ODBC DSN for this or some other problem:

Unable to connect to database server: Specified database not found

Check the ODBC DSN or connection string for this or some other problem:

Unexpected operation: "..."

This is an unexpected message.

Please contact technical support at

Warning: The table ... has no primary key or unique constraint, but does have a unique index.

Without a primary key or unique constraint, some operations may be slow.

This table currently has more than 1,000 rows; performance may not be a problem now but if the table grows larger those operations may become extremely slow.

Warning: The table ... has no primary key, unique constraint or unique index.

Because there is no way to uniquely identify each row in this table, queries and database recovery operations may be slow.

This table currently has more than 1,000 rows; performance may not be a problem now but if the table grows larger those operations may become extremely slow.

