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Foxhound 5 

8. Adhoc Queries

8.1 Frequently Asked Questions

8.2 Adhoc Views

8.3 Adhoc Functions

8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries

8.5 OFSS Connection String Names

8.6 Recalculate Connection Flags

8.7 Recalculate Peaks

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries 
8.1 Frequently Asked Questions

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.1 Frequently Asked Questions 
How do I run adhoc queries on the Foxhound database?

The SQL Anywhere user id ADHOC and password SQL can be used to connect to the foxhound5.db database to run adhoc queries:

-c "ENG=foxhound5; DBN=f; UID=ADHOC; PWD=SQL; DRIVER=SQL Anywhere 17;"

Foxhound comes with this shortcut to run adhoc queries:

All Programs - Foxhound5 - 2 Adhoc Query via ISQL

Here's what the ISQL command line looks like:

"!SQLANY17!\!BIN!\" -c "ENG=foxhound5; DBN=f; UID=ADHOC; PWD=SQL; CON=Foxhound5-ADHOC" 

Here's how to change the password:


Administrative Tip: The ADMIN user id can do everything ADHOC can do, plus more, and it can see all the same Foxhound database views and other objects that the ADHOC user id can see. For more information about the ADMIN user id see 9. Administrator Authentication and 10. Monitor Sessions API.

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.1 Frequently Asked Questions 
How do I see the schema for adhoc reporting?
A separate adhoc schema database is delivered with Foxhound, containing all the views and underlying tables that are available for adhoc reporting.

To see the adhoc schema, use the String tab of the Foxhound menu page to select this connection string

Foxhound 5 Adhoc Schema - autostart and connect

then click on the Display Schema button.

Note: You can't run queries on the Adhoc Schema database, it's just there to show you what the schema looks like.

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.1 Frequently Asked Questions 
What kind of adhoc queries can I write?
You can create tables, procedures and views as well as coding SELECT statements. There are some limitations, however; here's a list of what you can and cannot do:
     no  CREATE FUNCTION [External call]
     no  CREATE PROCEDURE [External call]
     no  CREATE USER
yes      CREATE VARIABLE [Connection-scope]
     no  CREATE VARIABLE [Database-scope] 
yes      CREATE VIEW
yes      DELETE
yes      INSERT
yes      SELECT
yes      TRUNCATE
yes      UNLOAD
yes      UPDATE

Note that DELETE, INSERT, TRUNCATE and UPDATE statements are allowed, but they'll only work on tables you create, not the pre-existing Foxhound tables.

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries 
8.2 Adhoc Views
You have to use views to write your adhoc queries, not the base tables.

In other words, the base tables like rroad_group_1_property_pivot are shown in the adhoc schema so you can see the foreign keys and indexes, but only the corresponding views like sample_detail can be used in your queries.

administrator  User name and password for each administrator defined for the Foxhound Administrator Authentication feature.
alert  One row per alert.
alert_cancelled  One row per alert cancellation.
alert_title  One row for the text title corresponding to each Alert number.
alert_union  A UNION of all the rows in the alert, alert_cancelled, all_clear and sampling_options views to make reporting easier.
alerts_criteria  One row containing the Monitor Options page settings for each sampling session, plus rows for 'Factory Settings' and 'Saved Defaults'.
all_clear  One row per alert all-clear.
authentication A single-row table containing some attributes supporting the Foxhound Administrator Authentication feature.
autodropped_connection One row per connection that was dropped by the AutoDrop facility.
build_number  A single-row table containing some attributes of the current installation of the Foxhound database.
connection_string  One row for each connection string displayed on the String tab of the Foxhound main menu.
data_upgrade_history  One row for each time the data in an existing Foxhound database has been copied into a new Foxhound database as part of the installation process.
email_failure  One row for each time Foxhound failed in an attempt to send an Alert or other email.
exception_diagnostic  One row for each time Foxhound detected an error or other important event. In some cases, a single underlying error may result in two or more rows in exception_diagnostic recorded by nested exception handlers in Foxhound.
exception_dump  One row for each time Foxhound stored extra internal diagnostic information associated with an event recorded in exception_diagnostic.
expiry_date  A single-row table containing some attributes of the current installation of the Foxhound database.
flag_title  One row for the text title corresponding to each connection flag number.
global_options  A single-row table containing some options affecting how Foxhound behaves.
logged_administrator Audit trail containing before and/or after row images of rroad_administrator INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations.
logged_authentication Audit trail containing before and/or after row images of rroad_authentication INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations.
long_varchar One row for each value that was stored separately by Foxhound's internal string de-duplication process.
OFSS_subject_settings_view  One row for each OFSS subject database that has had one of more OFSS batch files loaded into Foxhound.
patch One row for each patch file that was processed when Foxhound was started.
peaks  One row for each Foxhound Monitor target database, holding various peak values and links to the corresponding samples.
ping_log One row for each execution of Foxhound's custom ping process.
purge_run  One row for each run of the Foxhound database purge process, holding information about the progress of the current run and the work accomplished by previous runs.
purge_schedule_day_entry One row for each day in the purge schedule defined on the Foxhound Options page. Note that no separate "purge_schedule" view exists because only one purge schedule is defined.
purge_schedule_period_entry One row for each 15-minute period in one day in the purge schedule defined on the Foxhound Options page. Note that no separate "purge_schedule" view exists because only one purge schedule is defined.
sample_detail  One row for each sample recorded by the Foxhound Database Monitor, holding various additional server and database-level properties and computed columns.
sample_connection  One row for each connection recorded for each Foxhound Database Monitor sample, holding various connection-level properties and computed columns.
sample_header  One row for each sample recorded by the Foxhound Database Monitor, holding various server and database-level properties and computed columns.
sampling_options  One row for each Foxhound Monitor target database, holding various options affecting how the Monitor behaves and information about the current status of the Monitor session.
schedule One row for each week-long schedule defined on the Monitor Options page.
schedule_day_entry One row for each day in one schedule defined on the Monitor Options page.
schedule_period_entry One row for each 15-minute period in one day in one schedule defined on the Monitor Options page.
serial_number  A single-row table containing the Foxhound serial number as shown on the About page.
server_message One row for each server message returned by a call to sa_server_messages().
session_options  One row for each HTTP session established during the current execution of the Foxhound database.

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries 
8.3 Adhoc Functions

Foxhound uses a variety of SQL functions to reformat performance statistics for readability, and some of those functions are available for use in adhoc queries.

Some of these functions are used in the example Compute the "Totals:" line removed from the Monitor and History pages.

CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg

CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_cpu_percentage_string

CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis

CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms

CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_number_with_commas

CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_decimal_with_commas

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.3 Adhoc Functions 
CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg
The rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg function reduces large byte values to more readable multiples of k, M, G and T.

Foxhound uses this function for many displayed values like Throughput... Bytes

CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg
   ( IN @p_bytes        UNSIGNED BIGINT,
     IN @rounding_digit INTEGER DEFAULT 1 ) -- this should be either 0 or 1

rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( 9223372036854775807 )   8,388,608T                                    
rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( 1057505280 )            1,009M                                        
rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( 1024000 )               1,000k                                        
rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( 1048576000 )            1,000M                                        
rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( 1073741824000 )         1,000G                                        
rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( 1099511627776000 )      1,000T                                        
rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( 1124100 )               1.1M                                          
rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( 1148678400 )            1.1G                                          
rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( 1173846681600 )         1.1T                                          
rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( 1124100, 0 )            1M                                            
rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( 1148678400, 0 )         1G                                            
rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( 1173846681600, 0 )      1T       

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.3 Adhoc Functions 
CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_cpu_percentage_string
The rroad_f_cpu_percentage_string function calculates the readable CPU usage percentage in a given time interval, taking into account the number of CPUs being used. It also limits wildly out-of-bounds values to 100%, and allows for zero values to be represented as a dash.

Foxhound uses this function for the CPU time display values.

CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_cpu_percentage_string
   ( IN @interval_ProcessCPU               DECIMAL ( 30, 6 ),
     IN @interval_msec                     BIGINT,
     IN @CPU_count                         INTEGER,
     IN @show_zero_as_dash                 VARCHAR ( 1 ) )

rroad_f_cpu_percentage_string ( 999.0, 2000, 1, 'N' )   100%                                            
rroad_f_cpu_percentage_string ( 2.0,   2000, 1, 'N' )   100%                                            
rroad_f_cpu_percentage_string ( 1.99,  2000, 1, 'N' )   99.5%                                           
rroad_f_cpu_percentage_string ( 1.0,   2000, 2, 'N' )   25.0%                                           
rroad_f_cpu_percentage_string ( 0.0,   2000, 2, 'N' )   0%                                              
rroad_f_cpu_percentage_string ( 0.0,   2000, 2, 'Y' )   -                                               
rroad_f_cpu_percentage_string ( 0.01,  2000, 2, 'N' )   .3%     

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.3 Adhoc Functions 
CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis
The rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis function strips some line break and tab characters and then limits the length of a character string by replacing excess characters with an ellipsis "..." in the center of the string or at the right end (the default).

Foxhound uses this function in a few locations to cram wide strings into narrow spaces.

CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis
   ( IN @input_string      LONG VARCHAR,
     IN @limit             BIGINT,
     IN @ellipsis_location VARCHAR ( 10 ) DEFAULT 'right' ) -- or 'center'

rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis ( 'Short title', 11 )                        Short title
rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis ( 'A very much longer title', 11, 'center' ) A ve...itle
rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis ( 'Short title', 11, 'center' )              Short title
rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis ( 'A very much longer title', 11 )           A very m...

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.3 Adhoc Functions 
CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms
The rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms.sql function reformats large millisecond interval values into readable strings using the unit abbreviations d, h, m, s and ms.

Foxhound uses this function for many displayed values like Response... Heartbeat, Sample, Ping.

CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms
   ( IN @msecs   BIGINT )

rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 9590400000 )   111d                                                
rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 1028160000 )   11.9d                                               
rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 169200000 )    1d 23h                                              
rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 120240000 )    1d 9.4h                                             
rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 43020000 )     12h                                                 
rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 42984000 )     11.9h                                               
rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 7140000 )      1h 59m                                              
rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 714000 )       11.9m                                               
rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 71000 )        1m 11s                                              
rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 11940 )        11.9s                                               
rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 1950 )         2s                                                  
rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 1940 )         1.9s                                                
rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 149 )          149ms                                               
rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 1 )            1ms    

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.3 Adhoc Functions 
CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_number_with_commas
The rroad_f_number_with_commas function inserts commas in the integer portion of a number. Leading zeros are implicitly stripped from a numeric argument but not if the argument is already a string.

Foxhound uses this function for many displayed values like Throughput... Req, Commits.

CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_number_with_commas
   ( IN @p_number_string VARCHAR ( 100 ) )

rroad_f_number_with_commas ( 1234567.8901234 )    1,234,567.8901234 
rroad_f_number_with_commas ( 00000001111111 )     1,111,111      
rroad_f_number_with_commas ( '00000001111111' )   00,000,001,111,111                            

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.3 Adhoc Functions 
CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_decimal_with_commas
The rroad_f_decimal_with_commas function does more than insert commas in large numbers, it replaces zero with a dash, limits the precision of fractional numbers and reduces tiny fractions to zero.

Foxhound uses this function for some displayed values like Disk/Cache: Internal Index, Leaf, Table.

CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_decimal_with_commas
   ( IN @decimal                    DECIMAL ( 30, 6 ),
     IN @round_to_non_zero_digits   INTEGER DEFAULT 2 )  -- 1 or 2

rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( NULL )           -                                             
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.0 )            -                                             
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.19 )           .19                                           
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 1.29 )           1.3                                           
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 123456789 )      123,456,789                                   
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 123.9 )          124                                           
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 12.9 )           13                                            
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 1.29 )           1.3                                           
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.19 )           .19                                           
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.019 )          .019                                          
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.0019 )         .0019                                         
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.00019 )        0                                             
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.000019 )       0                                             
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( NULL, 1 )        -                                             
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.0, 1 )         -                                             
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.19, 1 )        .2                                            
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 1.29, 1 )        1.3                                           
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 123456789, 1 )   123,456,789                                   
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 123.9, 1 )       124                                           
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 12.9, 1 )        13                                            
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 1.29, 1 )        1.3                                           
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.19, 1 )        .2                                            
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.019, 1 )       .02                                           
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.0019, 1 )      .002                                          
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.00019, 1 )     0                                             
rroad_f_decimal_with_commas ( 0.000019, 1 )    0   

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries 
8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries

Active alerts for each target database
Alert #1 Database unresponsive activity for a particular target database
Alert history
Audit trail of changes to the rroad_administrator table
Audit trail of changes to the rroad_authentication table
Averages and maximums by hour
Blocked connection samples
Busy SQL statements
CPU seconds by user
CPU usage by user id
CPU usage for intra-query parallelism child connections
Checkpoints and checkpoint urgency
Compute the "Totals:" line removed from the Monitor and History pages
Connection-level temporary space usage
Count active alerts for each target database
Count current request status values
Count intra-query parallelism
Count rows remaining in Foxhound tables that are subject to the purge process
Count samples by CPU % ranges
Count simultaneous high CPU connections
CurrentCacheSize: Min/Max and History
Currently blocked connections for each target database
Database growth
Display the Foxhound Administrator Authentication attributes
External client connections per hour
Find "Go to:" sample set numbers for Alert #1 / All Clear/Cancelled pairs at least 60 seconds apart
Find when connections became blocked
First and last successful sample timestamps across all target databases
First and last successful sample timestamps for each target database
High-CPU queries with HTML formatting
High connection-level CPU usage with HTML formatting
List all the Foxhound Administrator Authentication users
List all the patches that have been applied to the Foxhound database
Long-running queries
Long-running queries with HTML formatting
Number of samples for each target database
Peak average sample rates
Recent purge runs
Recent sample headers and details for each target database
Recent sample headers, details and connections for each target database
Recent sample headers for each target database
Response and throughput with 100-sample moving averages
Response time volatility and connection churn
Sample details selected by exact primary key values
Sample header, details and connections selected by exact primary key values
Sample sessions for all target databases
Selected columns from the most recent purge runs
Server Messages and Alerts for High Availability and Read-Only Scale-Out Targets
Server and database averages
Show correlation between Alerts and Intra-Query Parallelism
Some AND all the connection data for one connection
Some AND all the connection data for one connection, up to and including a specific sample timestamp
Study three successive samples
Sudden impact connections
Temporary file high tide
Unpivot (normalize) sample_connection.flags_set into flag_number and flag_title columns
Very-high-CPU connection samples

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Active alerts for each target database
-- The CAST() and rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis() functions are used 
-- together to limit the width of the Target Database column.

SELECT CAST ( rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis ( STRING ( 
                 ' - ', 
                 IF sampling_options.selected_tab = '1'
                    THEN ' (DSN)' 
                    ELSE ''
                 END IF ),
                 'right' ) 
              AS VARCHAR ( 50 ) ) AS "Target Database",
  FROM sampling_options
          INNER JOIN alert
          ON alert.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id
 WHERE alert.alert_is_clear_or_cancelled = 'N'
 ORDER BY sampling_options.sampling_id ASC,
       alert.alert_in_effect_at DESC;

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Alert #1 Database unresponsive activity for a particular target database
                 ' - ', 
                 IF sampling_options.selected_tab = '1'
                    THEN ' (DSN)' 
                    ELSE ''
                 END IF ) 
              AS VARCHAR ( 50 ) )                      AS "Target Database",
       CAST ( STRING ( alert.alert_number,  
                       ' ',  
                       alert_title.alert_title ) 
              AS VARCHAR ( 24 ) )                      AS "Alert",
       DATEFORMAT ( alert.alert_in_effect_at, 
                    'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.sss' )        AS "From",
       IF alert.alert_is_clear_or_cancelled = 'N'
          THEN ''
          ELSE DATEFORMAT ( 
             COALESCE ( all_clear.alert_all_clear_at,  
             alert_cancelled.alert_all_clear_at ), 
             'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.sss' )
       END IF                                          AS "To",
       IF alert.alert_is_clear_or_cancelled = 'N'
          THEN ''
          ELSE rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 
             DATEDIFF ( MILLISECOND,  
             COALESCE ( all_clear.alert_all_clear_at,   
             alert_cancelled.alert_all_clear_at ) ) )
       END IF                                          AS "Duration"
  FROM sampling_options
       INNER JOIN alert
          ON alert.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id
       LEFT OUTER JOIN all_clear
          ON all_clear.sampling_id        = sampling_options.sampling_id
         AND all_clear.alert_number       = alert.alert_number
         AND all_clear.alert_in_effect_at = alert.alert_in_effect_at
       LEFT OUTER JOIN alert_cancelled
          ON alert_cancelled.sampling_id        = sampling_options.sampling_id
         AND alert_cancelled.alert_number       = alert.alert_number
         AND alert_cancelled.alert_in_effect_at = alert.alert_in_effect_at
      INNER JOIN alert_title
          ON alert.alert_number     = alert_title.alert_number
 WHERE sampling_options.sampling_id = 1     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
   AND alert.alert_number = 1
       "Target Database",

Target Database                                    Alert                    From                    To                      Duration             
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- 
6 - RuralFinds_Bonnie-inspiron (DSN)               1 Database unresponsive  2018-12-05 10:55:09.633                                              
6 - RuralFinds_Bonnie-inspiron (DSN)               1 Database unresponsive  2018-12-04 13:21:59.670 2018-12-04 17:15:37.251 3h 54m               
6 - RuralFinds_Bonnie-inspiron (DSN)               1 Database unresponsive  2018-12-03 15:02:16.194 2018-12-03 16:33:40.483 1h 31m               
6 - RuralFinds_Bonnie-inspiron (DSN)               1 Database unresponsive  2018-12-03 07:35:39.594 2018-12-03 10:29:04.782 2h 53m               
6 - RuralFinds_Bonnie-inspiron (DSN)               1 Database unresponsive  2018-10-02 07:28:19.662 2018-10-02 08:30:37.967 1h 2.3m           

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Alert history
-- History of Active and Clear/Cancelled Alerts in reverse order by timestamp.
-- Copy and paste the "Active At" value into the "Go to:" field on the Sample History page
-- to scroll to the Alert message. 

-- Alert history

SELECT DATEFORMAT ( alert.alert_in_effect_at, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.sss' ) AS "Active At",
       sampling_options.sampling_id                                       AS "ID",
       CAST ( STRING ( alert.alert_number,  
              ' ',  
              alert_title.alert_title ) AS VARCHAR ( 24 ) )               AS "Alert",
       IF alert.alert_is_clear_or_cancelled = 'N'
          THEN 'Still Active'
          ELSE STRING ( 
             'Clear/Cancelled at ',
             DATEFORMAT ( COALESCE ( all_clear.alert_all_clear_at,  
                          alert_cancelled.alert_all_clear_at ), 
                         'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.sss' ) )
       END IF                                                             AS "Status" 
  FROM sampling_options
       INNER JOIN alert
          ON alert.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id
       LEFT OUTER JOIN all_clear
          ON all_clear.sampling_id        = sampling_options.sampling_id
         AND all_clear.alert_number       = alert.alert_number
         AND all_clear.alert_in_effect_at = alert.alert_in_effect_at
       LEFT OUTER JOIN alert_cancelled
          ON alert_cancelled.sampling_id        = sampling_options.sampling_id
         AND alert_cancelled.alert_number       = alert.alert_number
         AND alert_cancelled.alert_in_effect_at = alert.alert_in_effect_at
      INNER JOIN alert_title
          ON alert.alert_number     = alert_title.alert_number
 ORDER BY "Active At" DESC,

Active At                       ID Alert                    Status                                     
----------------------- ---------- ------------------------ ------------------------------------------ 
2018-12-04 14:04:54.824          7 1 Database unresponsive  Still Active                               
2018-12-04 13:21:59.670          6 19 Cache size            Still Active                               
2018-12-03 15:02:16.194          6 19 Cache size            Clear/Cancelled at 2018-12-03 16:33:40.483 
2018-12-03 07:35:39.594          6 19 Cache size            Clear/Cancelled at 2018-12-03 10:29:04.782 
2018-10-02 07:28:19.662          6 19 Cache size            Clear/Cancelled at 2018-10-02 08:30:37.967 
2018-07-24 15:49:59.508          6 19 Cache size            Clear/Cancelled at 2018-07-24 16:57:53.116 
2018-06-27 16:44:19.151          6 1 Database unresponsive  Clear/Cancelled at 2018-06-27 16:44:29.779 
2018-06-27 11:23:40.378          6 19 Cache size            Clear/Cancelled at 2018-06-27 16:57:01.119 
2018-06-22 09:09:16.288          6 28 Long transaction      Clear/Cancelled at 2018-06-22 09:10:56.061 
2018-06-22 09:08:56.698          6 16 I/O operations        Clear/Cancelled at 2018-06-22 09:11:06.047 
2018-06-22 09:04:15.302          6 19 Cache size            Clear/Cancelled at 2018-06-22 10:48:24.075 
2018-05-16 04:08:40.587          5 28 Long transaction      Clear/Cancelled at 2018-05-16 04:24:22.072 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Audit trail of changes to the rroad_administrator table.
-- Changes made via SQL Anywhere ADMIN user id.

UPDATE rroad_administrator SET password_hash = HASH ('Hello', 'SHA256' ) WHERE user_name = 'admin';
UPDATE rroad_administrator SET password_hash = HASH ('World', 'SHA256' ) WHERE user_name = 'admin';

-- Audit trail query via SQL Anywhere ADHOC user id.

SELECT * FROM logged_administrator ORDER BY log_id;

log_id, logged_action,   logged_at,               logged_by, user_name, password_hash
1,      'before UPDATE', 2019-10-18 14:01:37.85,  'ADMIN',   'admin',   'a7056a455639d1c7deec82ee787db24a0c1878e2792b4597709f0facf7cc7b35'
2,      'after UPDATE',  2019-10-18 14:01:37.85,  'ADMIN',   'admin',   '185f8db32271fe25f561a6fc938b2e264306ec304eda518007d1764826381969'
3,      'before UPDATE', 2019-10-18 14:01:37.853, 'ADMIN',   'admin',   '185f8db32271fe25f561a6fc938b2e264306ec304eda518007d1764826381969'
4,      'after UPDATE',  2019-10-18 14:01:37.853, 'ADMIN',   'admin',   '78ae647dc5544d227130a0682a51e30bc7777fbb6d8a8f17007463a3ecd1d524'

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Audit trail of changes to the rroad_authentication table.
-- Changes made via SQL Anywhere ADMIN user id.

UPDATE rroad_authentication SET authentication_enabled = 'Y';

-- Audit trail query via SQL Anywhere ADHOC user id.

SELECT * FROM logged_authentication ORDER BY log_id;

log_id, logged_action,   logged_at,               logged_by, artificial_id, authentication_enabled, user_name, cookie_max_age_seconds, session_timeout_minutes, session_id, debug_messages
1,      'before UPDATE', 2019-10-18 14:28:31.119, 'ADMIN',   1,             'N',                    (NULL),    43200,                  720,                     (NULL),     'OFF'
2,      'after UPDATE',  2019-10-18 14:28:31.119, 'ADMIN',   1,             'Y',                    (NULL),    43200,                  720,                     (NULL),     'OFF'

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Averages and maximums by hour
SELECT RIGHT ( STRING ( '0', HOUR ( sample_detail.sample_recorded_at ), ':00' ), 5 )      AS "Hour",
       CAST ( AVG ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent )          AS DECIMAL ( 5, 1 ) )   AS "Avg CPU %",
       CAST ( MAX ( sample_detail.executing_connection_count )    AS INTEGER )            AS "Max Exec Conns",
       CAST ( MAX ( sample_detail.UnschReq )                      AS INTEGER )            AS "Max UnschReq",
       CAST ( MAX ( sample_detail.total_child_connection_count )  AS INTEGER )            AS "Max Child Conns"
  FROM sample_detail
 WHERE sample_detail.sampling_id = 3     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
   AND sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent IS NOT NULL
 GROUP BY "Hour"
 ORDER BY "Hour";

Hour  Avg CPU % Max Exec Conns Max UnschReq Max Child Conns 
----- --------- -------------- ------------ --------------- 
00:00       2.7             11            1               8 
01:00       1.4             10            0               8 
02:00       1.3              3            1               2 
03:00       7.1             12            0               8 
04:00       1.2              6            0               4 
05:00       0.9             10            0               8 
06:00       1.8             11            1               8 
07:00       5.2             12            2               8 
08:00      13.8             20            2              16 
09:00      17.7             16            8               8 
10:00      18.5             15            9               8 
11:00      21.0             17            5               8 
12:00      17.8             20            2               8 
13:00      18.2             16            5               8 
14:00      22.0             17            3               0 
15:00      22.5             15            7               6 
16:00      18.8             13            4               8 
17:00       9.3             11            1               8 
18:00       5.6             12            1               8 
19:00       3.6             11            1               8 
20:00       5.1             12            1               8 
21:00       6.6             13            1               8 
22:00       3.9             21            1              16 
23:00       2.1              3            1               0 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Blocked connection samples
       IF sampling_options.selected_tab = 1 
          THEN 'DSN' 
          ELSE 'String' 
       END IF AS connection_type,
       sampling_options.selected_name AS target_database,
       sample_header.sample_finished_at           AS sample_recorded_at,
       sample_connection.connection_number        AS blocked_connection_number,
       sample_connection.BlockedOn                AS blocked_by_connection_number,
       sample_connection.blocker_reason           AS reason_for_block,
       sample_connection.blocker_owner_name       AS owner_name,
       sample_connection.blocker_table_name       AS table_name,
       sample_connection.blocker_row_identifier   AS row_identifier
  FROM sampling_options
          INNER JOIN sample_connection
                  ON sample_connection.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id
          INNER JOIN sample_header
                  ON sample_header.sampling_id       = sampling_options.sampling_id
                 AND sample_header.sample_set_number = sample_connection.sample_set_number
 WHERE sample_connection.BlockedOn <> 0
 ORDER BY sample_connection.sample_set_number DESC,
       sample_connection.connection_number ASC;

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Busy SQL statements
averages AS
SELECT sample_connection.sampling_id,
       sampling_options.selected_name         AS target_database,
       sample_connection.Name                 AS connection_name,
       MAX ( sample_connection.busy_percent ) AS busy_percent,
  FROM sampling_options
          INNER JOIN sample_connection
                  ON sample_connection.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id
 WHERE sample_connection.busy_percent  >= 5
   AND sample_connection.LastStatement <> ''
   AND sample_connection.Name NOT LIKE 'Foxhound%'
 GROUP BY sample_connection.sampling_id,
  FROM averages 
 ORDER BY averages.busy_percent DESC,

sampling_id, target_database, LoginTime,              connection_number, connection_name,   Userid, busy_percent, LastStatement, LastPlanText
1,           'xxx',           2016-02-18 21:00:17..., 26097,             'SQL_DBC_7f06790', 'xxx',  99,           select ...,
1,           'xxx',           2016-02-18 18:27:28..., 23809,             'SQL_DBC_2dbee78' ,'yyy',  96,           select ...,    ( Plan [ (B) ...

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Checkpoints and checkpoint urgency
-- The Checkpoint Urgency percentage rises until a Checkpoint is taken.

-- The LATERAL clause retrieves the CheckpointUrgency value from the sample_detail row
-- that immediately precedes the row with the non-zero Chkpt value; i.e., it retrieves the
-- highest value CheckpointUrgency reached before it fell back to zero after the CHECKPOINT.
       sample_detail.sample_set_number             AS "Sample Set Number",
       sample_detail.sample_recorded_at            AS "Sample Recorded At",
       sample_detail.interval_Chkpt                AS "Checkpoints",
       previous_sample_detail.CheckpointUrgency    AS "Checkpoint Urgency %"
  FROM sample_detail,
                   FROM sample_detail AS previous_sample_detail
                  WHERE previous_sample_detail.sample_set_number < sample_detail.sample_set_number
                  ORDER BY previous_sample_detail.sample_set_number DESC 
               ) AS previous_sample_detail
 WHERE sample_detail.interval_Chkpt > 0
 ORDER BY sample_detail.sample_set_number DESC;

   Sample Set Number Sample Recorded At               Checkpoints Checkpoint Urgency % 
-------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- -------------------- 
             2507576 2018-12-07 15:55:07.114                    3                    8 
             2507326 2018-12-07 15:50:02.953                    3                    8 
             2507079 2018-12-07 15:45:08.339                    3                    7 
             2506832 2018-12-07 15:40:16.319                    1                    8 
             2506824 2018-12-07 15:40:05.616                    2                    8 
             2506577 2018-12-07 15:35:06.111                    3                    8 
             2506335 2018-12-07 15:30:18.935                    3                    8 
             2506086 2018-12-07 15:25:03.571                    3                    8 
             2505838 2018-12-07 15:20:12.942                    3                    8 
             2505584 2018-12-07 15:15:06.125                    3                    8 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Compute the "Totals:" line removed from the Monitor and History pages
Earlier versions of Foxhound displayed a "Totals:" line in the "Top Sample" sections of the Monitor, Sample History and Connection History pages.

That line has been removed from Foxhound 5 to reduce clutter, but the values are available using the following adhoc query:

SELECT 'Totals:'                                                 AS "Totals:",  
       rroad_f_number_with_commas ( sample_detail.Req )          AS "Throughput... Req",  
       rroad_f_number_with_commas ( sample_detail."Commit" )     AS "Throughput... Commits",
       rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( sample_detail.BytesReceived 
                            + sample_detail.BytesSent )          AS "Throughput... Bytes",
       rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 
          CAST ( sample_detail.ProcessCPU * 1000.0 AS BIGINT ) ) AS "CPU",
       rroad_f_cpu_percentage_string (
                     sample_detail.sample_recorded_at ),
          'N' )                                                  AS "CPU Time % av",
       rroad_f_number_with_commas ( sample_detail.CachePanics )  AS "Cache Panics",  
          ( sample_detail.QueryLowMemoryStrategy )               AS "Cache Low Memory",  
       rroad_f_number_with_commas ( 
          CAST ( ROUND ( CAST ( sample_detail.CacheHits 
                                AS DECIMAL ( 30, 6 ) )
                         / CAST ( GREATER ( 1, sample_detail.CacheRead ) 
                                  AS DECIMAL ( 30, 6 ) )
                         * 100.0,
                         2 )
                 AS DECIMAL ( 30, 2 ) ) )                         AS "Cache Satisfaction % av",
       rroad_f_number_with_commas ( sample_detail.DiskRead )      AS "Disk Reads", 
       rroad_f_number_with_commas ( sample_detail.DiskWrite )     AS "Disk Writes", 
       rroad_f_number_with_commas ( sample_detail.LogWrite )      AS "Log Writes", 
       rroad_f_number_with_commas ( sample_detail.IndAdd )        AS "Index Adds",
       rroad_f_number_with_commas ( sample_detail.IndLookup )     AS "Index Lookups",
       rroad_f_number_with_commas (  
          CAST ( ROUND ( CAST ( sample_detail.IndLookup 
                                - LESSER ( sample_detail.IndLookup, 
                                           sample_detail.FullCompare )  
                                AS DECIMAL ( 30, 6 ) )
                       / CAST ( GREATER ( 1, sample_detail.IndLookup )   
                                AS DECIMAL ( 30, 6 ) )
                       * 100.0,
                       0 )
                AS DECIMAL ( 30, 0 ) ) )                          AS "Index Satisfaction % av",
       rroad_f_number_with_commas ( sample_detail.FullCompare )   AS "Full Index Comps"
  FROM sample_detail 
 WHERE sample_detail.sampling_id = 3     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
   AND sample_detail.sample_set_number = 2507317;

Totals:,Throughput... Req,Throughput... Commits,Throughput... Bytes,CPU,CPU Time % av,Cache Panics,Cache Low Memory,Cache Satisfaction % av,
   Disk Reads,Disk Writes,Log Writes,Index Adds,Index Lookups,Index Satisfaction % av,Full Index Comps

'Totals:','40,298,585','1,008,194','4G','1d 20h','9.2%','0','0','99.95',

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Connection-level temporary space usage
-- The WITH max_temp view calculates the maximum temporary space usage for each connection.

-- The outer SELECT gathers more data for the associated connection sample.

max_temp AS
SELECT sample_connection.sampling_id,
       sample_connection.connection_id_string  AS "Conn Id",
       MAX ( sample_connection.TempFilePages ) AS "MAX Temp Pages"
  FROM sample_connection
 GROUP BY sample_connection.sampling_id,
       CAST ( DATEFORMAT ( MIN ( sample_detail.sample_recorded_at ), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss' ) AS VARCHAR ( 20 ) )  AS "High Tide At",
       CAST ( rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( max_temp."MAX Temp Pages" * sample_detail.page_size ) AS VARCHAR ( 5 ) )     AS "Temp",
       CAST ( sample_connection.connection_number AS DECIMAL ( 11 ) )                                             AS "Conn #",
       CAST ( LEFT ( STRING ( sample_connection.Userid, ' - ', sample_connection.Name ), 25 ) AS VARCHAR ( 25 ) ) AS "User - Conn Name",
       CAST ( LEFT ( LTRIM ( REPLACE ( REPLACE ( REPLACE ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.LastStatement, '' ), 
                             '\X0A', ' ' ), '\X0D', ' ' ), '\X09', ' ' ) ), 30 ) AS VARCHAR ( 30) )               AS "LastStatement"
  FROM sample_detail
          INNER JOIN sample_connection
                  ON sample_connection.sample_set_number = sample_detail.sample_set_number
          INNER JOIN max_temp
                  ON max_temp.sampling_id      = sample_detail.sampling_id
                 AND max_temp."Conn Id"        = sample_connection.connection_id_string
                 AND max_temp."MAX Temp Pages" = sample_connection.TempFilePages
 WHERE sample_detail.sampling_id = 3     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
 GROUP BY max_temp."MAX Temp Pages",
       COALESCE ( sample_connection.LastStatement, '' )
 ORDER BY "MAX Temp Pages" DESC,
       "High Tide At";

High Tide At         Temp         Conn # User - Conn Name          LastStatement                  
-------------------- ----- ------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------ 
2018-12-06 22:12:55  156M        1140218 ACCTadm - SQL_DBC_28d3a8f                              
2018-12-04 22:16:30  155M        9154214 ACCTadm - SQL_DBC_28dbf79                                
2018-12-03 22:22:43  155M        8605914 ACCTadm - SQL_DBC_2878fb6                                
2018-12-05 09:39:16  64M      1000014664  - INT: Exchange                                         
2018-12-05 09:39:16  64M      1000014666  - INT: Exchange                                         
2018-12-05 09:39:16  64M      1000014662  - INT: Exchange                                         
2018-12-05 09:39:16  64M      1000014661  - INT: Exchange                                         
2018-12-05 09:39:16  64M      1000014667  - INT: Exchange                                         
2018-12-05 09:39:16  64M      1000014663  - INT: Exchange                                         
2018-12-05 09:39:16  64M      1000014668  - INT: Exchange                                         
2018-12-05 09:39:16  64M      1000014665  - INT: Exchange                                         
2018-12-04 12:27:53  37M         8847564 genAdm - SQL_DBC_1c4f23   select "genkey",     "report_n
2018-12-07 00:07:53  33M         1147527 DBA - SQL_DBC_1694488     call "dba"."p_search_all_repor 
2018-12-03 16:39:21  33M         8514551 genAdm - SQL_DBC_1a57d2   select "k"."type",     "k"."se 
2018-12-05 09:46:32  30M          121738 genAdm - SQL_DBC_e3b698 select "genkey",     "report_n 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Count active alerts for each target database
                 ' - ', 
                 IF sampling_options.selected_tab = '1'
                    THEN ' (DSN)' 
                    ELSE ''
                 END IF ) 
              AS VARCHAR ( 50 ) ) AS "Target Database",
       COUNT(*) AS "Active Alerts"
  FROM sampling_options
          INNER JOIN alert 
          ON alert.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id
 WHERE alert.alert_is_clear_or_cancelled = 'N'
 GROUP BY sampling_options.sampling_id,
 ORDER BY sampling_options.sampling_id ASC;

Target Database                                    Active Alerts 
-------------------------------------------------- ------------- 
6 - Inventory16-inspiron (DSN)                                 1 
7 - ddd17 (DSN)                                                1 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Count current request status values
status_counts AS
SELECT CAST ( COUNT(*) AS DECIMAL ( 30, 6 ) )   AS sample_count,
       sample_connection.current_req_status     AS current_req_status
  FROM sample_connection
 GROUP BY sample_connection.current_req_status
total AS
SELECT SUM ( status_counts.sample_count )       AS sample_count
  FROM status_counts
SELECT CAST ( status_counts.sample_count AS INTEGER )  AS "Sample Count",
       CAST ( ( status_counts.sample_count 
              / total.sample_count ) * 100.0 
              AS DECIMAL ( 11, 2 ) )                   AS "Percentage",
       status_counts.current_req_status                AS "Current Req Status"
  FROM status_counts,
 ORDER BY "Percentage" DESC;

Sample Count    Percentage Current Req Status                                                                                   
------------ ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     2578952         97.16 Idle                                                                                                 
       60814          2.29 Executing                                                                                            
       12028          0.45 Blocked by lock                                                                                      
        1224          0.05 Waiting for thread                                                                                   
         883          0.03 -                                                                                                    
         554          0.02 Waiting for shared resource                                                                          
          35          0.00 Waiting for I/O   

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Count intra-query parallelism
-- Count connection samples with at least one child connection.

       DATEFORMAT ( sample_detail.sample_recorded_at, 
                    'yyyy mm dd hh:nn:ss.ssssss' )         AS "Sample Recorded At",
       COUNT(*)                                            AS "Child Connection Count" 
  FROM sample_detail
          INNER JOIN sample_connection
                  ON sample_connection.sample_set_number = sample_detail.sample_set_number
 WHERE sample_connection.sampling_id                      = 3     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
   AND COALESCE ( sample_connection.ParentConnection, 0 ) <> 0
 GROUP BY sample_detail.sample_recorded_at
HAVING "Child Connection Count" >= 1
 ORDER BY "Child Connection Count" DESC,
       "Sample Recorded At" ASC;

Sample Recorded At         Child Connection Count 
-------------------------- ---------------------- 
2018 12 04 08:01:21.371000                     16 
2018 12 04 08:01:31.372000                     16 
2018 12 04 22:15:41.462000                     16 
2018 12 03 11:53:35.872000                      8 
2018 12 03 12:00:14.597000                      8 
2018 12 03 12:05:33.289000                      8 
2018 12 03 13:25:14.782000                      8 
2018 12 03 13:44:16.799000                      8 
2018 12 03 16:32:28.815000                      8 
2018 12 03 17:10:56.788000                      8 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Count rows remaining in Foxhound tables that are subject to the purge process
CHECKPOINT; -- force the SYSTAB."COUNT" column to be up-to-date; this statement is permitted by Start - Foxhound5 - 11 Admin Update via ISQL

SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_alert'                  AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_alert' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_alert_cancelled'        AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_alert_cancelled' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_alerts_criteria'        AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_alerts_criteria' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_all_clear'              AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_all_clear' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_autodropped_connection' AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_autodropped_connection' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_connection_string'      AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_connection_string' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_email_failure'          AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_email_failure' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_exception'              AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_exception' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_exception_dump'         AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_exception_dump' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_group_1_property_pivot' AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_group_1_property_pivot' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_group_2_property_pivot' AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_group_2_property_pivot' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_long_varchar'           AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_long_varchar' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_peaks'                  AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_peaks' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_ping_log'               AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_ping_log' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_purge_run'              AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_purge_run' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_sampling_options'       AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_sampling_options' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'OFSS_subject_settings'        AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'OFSS_subject_settings' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_sample_set'             AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_sample_set' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_schedule'               AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_schedule' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_schedule_day_entry'     AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_schedule_day_entry' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_schedule_period_entry'  AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_schedule_period_entry' UNION
SELECT "COUNT" AS "rows", 'rroad_server_message'         AS "table" FROM SYSTAB WHERE table_name = 'rroad_server_message' ORDER BY 2;

                rows table                        
-------------------- ---------------------------- 
                   0 OFSS_subject_settings        
                  24 rroad_alert                  
                  21 rroad_alert_cancelled        
                  13 rroad_alerts_criteria        
                   3 rroad_all_clear              
                   0 rroad_autodropped_connection 
                  17 rroad_connection_string      
                   0 rroad_email_failure          
                  12 rroad_exception              
                   0 rroad_exception_dump         
               12063 rroad_group_1_property_pivot 
               58886 rroad_group_2_property_pivot 
                  41 rroad_long_varchar           
                  11 rroad_peaks                  
                   0 rroad_ping_log               
                   2 rroad_purge_run              
               12063 rroad_sample_set             
                  11 rroad_sampling_options       
                  52 rroad_schedule               
                 364 rroad_schedule_day_entry     
               34944 rroad_schedule_period_entry  
                  70 rroad_server_message         

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Count samples by CPU % ranges
          WHEN CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent AS INTEGER ) = 0    THEN '(l)         0%'
          WHEN CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent AS INTEGER ) < 10   THEN '(k)   1% to 9%'
          WHEN CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent AS INTEGER ) < 20   THEN '(j) 10% to 19%'
          WHEN CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent AS INTEGER ) < 30   THEN '(i) 20% to 29%'
          WHEN CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent AS INTEGER ) < 40   THEN '(h) 30% to 39%'
          WHEN CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent AS INTEGER ) < 50   THEN '(g) 40% to 49%'
          WHEN CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent AS INTEGER ) < 60   THEN '(f) 50% to 59%'
          WHEN CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent AS INTEGER ) < 70   THEN '(e) 60% to 69%'
          WHEN CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent AS INTEGER ) < 80   THEN '(d) 70% to 79%'
          WHEN CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent AS INTEGER ) < 90   THEN '(c) 80% to 89%'
          WHEN CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent AS INTEGER ) < 100  THEN '(b) 90% to 99%'
          WHEN CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent AS INTEGER ) = 100  THEN '(a)       100%'
       END CASE AS "Server CPU %",
       COUNT(*) AS "Sample Count",
       CAST ( ( "Sample Count" / total."Total Sample Count" ) * 100.0 AS DECIMAL ( 7, 2 ) ) AS "Sample %"
  FROM sample_detail,
       ( SELECT CAST ( COUNT(*) AS DECIMAL ( 30, 6 ) ) AS "Total Sample Count"
           FROM sample_detail 
          WHERE sample_detail.sampling_id = 3     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
           AND sample_detail.sample_lost = 'N'
           AND sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent IS NOT NULL
       ) AS total
 WHERE sample_detail.sampling_id = 3     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
   AND sample_detail.sample_lost = 'N'
   AND sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent IS NOT NULL
 GROUP BY "Server CPU %",
       total."Total Sample Count"
 ORDER BY "Server CPU %" 

Server CPU %   Sample Count  Sample % 
-------------- ------------ --------- 
(d) 70% to 79%            1      0.00 
(e) 60% to 69%            1      0.00 
(f) 50% to 59%            6      0.02 
(g) 40% to 49%           58      0.21 
(h) 30% to 39%          558      2.06 
(i) 20% to 29%         4285     15.82 
(j) 10% to 19%         7271     26.84 
(k)   1% to 9%         7596     28.04 
(l)         0%         7311     26.99 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Count simultaneous high CPU connections
high_cpu_connection_count AS
SELECT DATEFORMAT ( sample_detail.sample_recorded_at, 
                    'yyyy mm dd hh:nn:ss.ssssss' )                    AS "Sample At",
       COUNT(*)                                                       AS "High CPU Conn Count",
       CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent  AS DECIMAL ( 5 ) )  AS "Server CPU %"
  FROM sample_detail
          INNER JOIN sample_connection
                  ON sample_connection.sample_set_number = sample_detail.sample_set_number
 WHERE sample_connection.sampling_id          = 3     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
   AND sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent >= 3.0
   AND sample_connection.connection_number    BETWEEN 1 AND 999999999
 GROUP BY sample_detail.sample_recorded_at,
       "Server CPU %"
HAVING "High CPU Conn Count" >= 5
SELECT high_cpu_connection_count."High CPU Conn Count"                AS "High CPU Conn Count", 
       COUNT(*)                                                       AS "Sample Count",
       CAST ( AVG ( high_cpu_connection_count."Server CPU %" ) 
              AS DECIMAL ( 5 ) )                                      AS "Avg Server CPU %" 
  FROM high_cpu_connection_count
 GROUP BY high_cpu_connection_count."High CPU Conn Count"
 ORDER BY high_cpu_connection_count."High CPU Conn Count" DESC;

High CPU Conn Count Sample Count Avg Server CPU % 
------------------- ------------ ---------------- 
                  7            3               54 
                  6           18               40 
                  5           39               35 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
CPU seconds by user
-- The conn_cpu_sec view computes the CPU seconds for each connection.
-- The CASE expression tries to find a non-empty value to identify the user.
-- The INNER JOIN sampling_options ensures the sampling session has not been deleted.
-- The final SELECT computes the CPU seconds for each user and displays the TOP 10.

conn_cpu_sec AS
SELECT sample_connection.connection_id_string              AS "Conn Id",
          WHEN TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.Userid, '' ) ) <> ''
             THEN sample_connection.Userid
          WHEN TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.Name, '' ) ) <> ''
             THEN sample_connection.Name
          WHEN TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.OSUser, '' ) ) <> ''
             THEN sample_connection.OSUser
          ELSE TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.NodeAddress, '' ) )
       END CASE                                            AS "User",
       MAX ( sample_connection.ApproximateCPUTime )        AS "Conn CPU Sec"
  FROM sample_connection
          INNER JOIN sampling_options
                  ON sampling_options.sampling_id = sample_connection.sampling_id 
 WHERE sample_connection.sampling_id = 5     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
 GROUP BY sample_connection.connection_id_string,
       CAST ( LEFT ( conn_cpu_sec."User", 30 ) AS VARCHAR ( 30 ) )            AS "User",
       CAST ( SUM ( conn_cpu_sec."Conn CPU Sec" ) AS DECIMAL ( 11, 1 ) )      AS "Total CPU Sec",
       CAST ( COUNT(*) AS DECIMAL ( 11 ) )                                    AS "Conn Count",
       CAST ( "Total CPU Sec" / "Conn Count" AS DECIMAL ( 11 ) )              AS "Avg CPU Sec"
  FROM conn_cpu_sec
 GROUP BY conn_cpu_sec."User"
       "User" ASC;

User                           Total CPU Sec    Conn Count   Avg CPU Sec 
------------------------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- 
DBA                                 339062.9          2423           140 
A.Fernandez                         260418.5           545           478 
K.Nguyen                            142775.2          8923            16 
Dbremote                            141849.5          1661            85 
B.Walker                             83559.2           166           503 
F.Thomas                             49543.3           497           100 
C.Lee                                38166.2           758            50 
A.Mcpherson                          32171.4          1494            22 
F.Gonzalez                           29424.4           786            37 
W.Harris                             28370.5           123           231 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
CPU usage by user id
-- Each connection is uniquely identified by the column sample_connection.connection_id_string.

-- The sample_connection.ApproximateCPUTime value increases with each successive row so the
-- MAX() value is the total CPU usage for that one connection.

conn_cpu_sec AS
SELECT sample_connection.sampling_id,
       MAX ( sample_connection.ApproximateCPUTime ) AS "Conn CPU Sec"
  FROM sample_connection
          INNER JOIN sampling_options
                  ON sampling_options.sampling_id = sample_connection.sampling_id 
 GROUP BY sample_connection.sampling_id,
       CAST ( LEFT ( conn_cpu_sec.Userid, 30 ) AS VARCHAR ( 30 ) )        AS "User",
       CAST ( COUNT(*) AS DECIMAL ( 11 ) )                                AS "Conn Count",
       CAST ( SUM ( conn_cpu_sec."Conn CPU Sec" ) AS DECIMAL ( 11, 1 ) )  AS "Total CPU Sec",
       CAST ( "Total CPU Sec" / "Conn Count" AS DECIMAL ( 11 ) )          AS "Avg CPU Sec"
  FROM conn_cpu_sec
 WHERE conn_cpu_sec.sampling_id = 3     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
 GROUP BY conn_cpu_sec.Userid
       "User" ASC;

User                              Conn Count Total CPU Sec   Avg CPU Sec 
------------------------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- 
autoGen                                    3       34294.1         11431 
DBA                                    51971       25320.5             0 
a.Fernandez                              515       23877.9            46 
j.Garcia                                  17       14784.2           870 
RPTAcctg                                1863       14339.4             8 
m.Sanchez                                 12       14245.4          1187 
e.Perez                                    7       12846.4          1835 
a.Barbassa                                22       10542.1           479 
d.Rodriguez                               25       10155.5           406 
f.Jones                                   11        9531.7           867 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
CPU usage for intra-query parallelism child connections
-- Intra-query parallelism child connections all have "INT: EXCHANGE" as their connection names.

-- Each connection is uniquely identified by the column sample_connection.connection_id_string
-- which looks like 3-1001749445-20181204221531-704 where the 
--    "3" is the sampling_id, the 
--    "1001749445" is the connection_number and the
--    "20181204221531-704" is the login_time 2018-12-04 22:15:31.704.

       DATEFORMAT ( MAX ( sample_detail.sample_recorded_at ), 'yyyy mm dd hh:nn:ss' ) AS "Recorded At",
       CAST ( LEFT ( sample_connection.connection_id_string, 32 ) AS VARCHAR ( 32 ) ) AS "INT: EXCHANGE Conn Id String",
       CAST ( MAX ( sample_connection.ApproximateCPUTime ) AS DECIMAL ( 11, 1 ) )     AS "Conn CPU Sec"
  FROM sample_connection
          INNER JOIN sampling_options
                  ON sampling_options.sampling_id = sample_connection.sampling_id 
          INNER JOIN sample_detail
                  ON sample_detail.sample_set_number = sample_connection.sample_set_number 
 WHERE sample_connection.sampling_id = 3     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
   AND sample_connection.Name        = 'INT: EXCHANGE'
 GROUP BY sample_connection.connection_id_string,

Recorded At         INT: EXCHANGE Conn Id String      Conn CPU Sec 
------------------- -------------------------------- ------------- 
2018 12 04 22:16:11 3-1001749445-20181204221531-704           55.1 
2018 12 04 22:16:11 3-1001749442-20181204221531-704           55.0 
2018 12 04 22:16:11 3-1001749444-20181204221531-704           54.4 
2018 12 04 22:16:11 3-1001749439-20181204221531-704           53.9 
2018 12 04 22:16:11 3-1001749446-20181204221531-704           53.5 
2018 12 04 22:16:11 3-1001749440-20181204221531-704           52.1 
2018 12 04 22:16:11 3-1001749441-20181204221531-704           51.5 
2018 12 04 22:16:11 3-1001749443-20181204221531-704           50.6 
2018 12 06 22:12:35 3-1000163894-20181206221150-822           42.9 
2018 12 06 22:12:35 3-1000163888-20181206221150-822           42.9 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
CurrentCacheSize: Min/Max and History
-- CurrentCacheSize Min/Max

SELECT sampling_id,
       MIN ( CurrentCacheSize )                                                            AS MIN_CurrentCacheSize_k,
       CAST ( rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( MIN_CurrentCacheSize_k * 1024 ) AS VARCHAR ( 20 ) )   AS MIN_CurrentCacheSize_kmg,
       MAX ( CurrentCacheSize )                                                            AS MAX_CurrentCacheSize_k,
       CAST ( rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( MAX_CurrentCacheSize_k * 1024 ) AS VARCHAR ( 20 ) )   AS MAX_CurrentCacheSize_kmg
  FROM sample_detail
 GROUP BY sampling_id
 ORDER BY sampling_id;

sampling_id MIN_CurrentCacheSize_k MIN_CurrentCacheSize_kmg MAX_CurrentCacheSize_k MAX_CurrentCacheSize_kmg 
----------- ---------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------- ------------------------ 
          1                  52112 51M                                       52152 51M                      
          2                  52932 52M                                       53036 52M                      
          3                  53200 52M                                       53240 52M                      
          4                  53004 52M                                       53052 52M                      
          5                  53004 52M                                       53052 52M                      
          6                  53200 52M                                       53256 52M                      
          7                 337712 330M                                    3272848 3.1G                     
          8               13381808 13G                                    13381808 13G                      
          9                3272832 3.1G                                    3272832 3.1G    

-- CurrentCacheSize History

SELECT sampling_id,
       CurrentCacheSize                                                            AS CurrentCacheSize_k,
       CAST ( rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( CurrentCacheSize * 1024 ) AS VARCHAR ( 20 ) ) AS CurrentCacheSize_kmg
  FROM sample_detail
 WHERE sampling_id = 7
 ORDER BY sampling_id,

sampling_id    sample_set_number sample_recorded_at        CurrentCacheSize_k CurrentCacheSize_kmg 
----------- -------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- -------------------- 
          7                12946 2019-10-07 07:55:57.059               337712 330M                 
          7                12953 2019-10-07 07:56:05.899               337712 330M                 
          7                12959 2019-10-07 07:56:15.807               337712 330M                 
          7                12966 2019-10-07 07:56:25.729               337712 330M                 
          7                12973 2019-10-07 07:56:35.685               337712 330M                 
          7                12980 2019-10-07 07:56:45.538               337712 330M                 
          7                12987 2019-10-07 07:56:55.469               337712 330M                 
          7                12994 2019-10-07 07:57:05.399               337712 330M                 
          7                13001 2019-10-07 07:57:15.305               337712 330M                 
          7                13008 2019-10-07 07:57:25.235               337712 330M                 
          7                13015 2019-10-07 07:57:35.134               337712 330M                 
          7                13022 2019-10-07 07:57:45.072               337712 330M                 
          7                13029 2019-10-07 07:57:54.982               337712 330M                 
          7                13036 2019-10-07 07:58:04.891               337712 330M                 
          7                13043 2019-10-07 07:58:14.84                337712 330M                 
          7                13050 2019-10-07 07:58:24.756               337712 330M                 
          7                13057 2019-10-07 07:58:34.68                337712 330M                 
          7                13064 2019-10-07 07:58:44.62                (NULL) -                    
          7                13065 2019-10-07 07:58:44.62                (NULL) -                    
          7                13073 2019-10-07 07:58:56.713              3272848 3.1G     

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Currently blocked connections for each target database
-- Here's how this query works:
--   - The WITH clause creates a temporary view that is used in the SELECT * FROM block at the bottom.
--   - The FROM sampling_options selects one row for each target database.
--   - The CROSS APPLY selects one sample_header row for each target database. That row is the most
--     recent successful sample for that target. If sampling is running then it will be a recent row.
--     If sampling is stopped then it might be an old row. Either way, it is the "most recent 
--     successful sample" for each target database.
--   - The CROSS APPLY clause is used instead of INNER JOIN because the inner FROM sample_header
--     clause refers to a column in a different table in the outer FROM clause, something you
--     can't do with INNER JOIN. 
--   - The two LEFT OUTER JOIN clauses gather up all the blocked (victim) sample_connection rows 
--     plus the corresponding blocking (evil-doer) sample_connection rows. 
--   - The LEFT OUTER JOIN clause is used instead of INNER JOIN so the view will return at least 
--     one row for each target database even if it doesn't have any blocked connections.

WITH block AS (
SELECT sampling_options.sampling_id                           AS sampling_id,
       latest_header.sample_set_number                        AS sample_set_number,
       latest_header.sample_finished_at                       AS recorded_at, 
       IF sampling_options.selected_tab = 1 
          THEN STRING ( 'DSN: ',    sampling_options.selected_name )  
          ELSE STRING ( 'String: ', sampling_options.selected_name )
       END IF                                                 AS target_database,
       COALESCE ( blocked_connection.Userid, '' )             AS blocked_Userid,
       COALESCE ( blocked_by_connection.Userid, '' )          AS blocked_by_Userid,
       COALESCE ( blocked_connection.blocker_reason, '' )     AS reason,
       COALESCE ( blocked_connection.ReqStatus, '' )          AS ReqStatus,
       COALESCE ( blocked_connection.blocker_table_name, '' ) AS blocker_table_name  
  FROM sampling_options                                            -- one row per target database
       CROSS APPLY ( SELECT TOP 1 *                                -- most recent successful sample for each target
                       FROM sample_header
                      WHERE sample_header.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id 
                        AND sample_header.sample_lost = 'N'
                      ORDER BY sample_header.sample_set_number DESC ) AS latest_header
       LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT *                                       -- all the blocked connections in the latest sample
                           FROM sample_connection
                          WHERE sample_connection.BlockedOn <> 0 ) AS blocked_connection
          ON  blocked_connection.sampling_id       = sampling_options.sampling_id 
          AND blocked_connection.sample_set_number = latest_header.sample_set_number
       LEFT OUTER JOIN sample_connection AS blocked_by_connection       -- the corresponding blocking connections
          ON  blocked_by_connection.sampling_id       = sampling_options.sampling_id 
          AND blocked_by_connection.sample_set_number = blocked_connection.sample_set_number
          AND blocked_by_connection.connection_number = blocked_connection.BlockedOn )
  FROM block
 ORDER BY block.target_database,

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Database growth
first_number AS
( SELECT CAST ( MIN ( sample_detail.sample_set_number ) AS DECIMAL ( 9 ) ) AS sample_set_number
    FROM sample_detail
   WHERE sample_detail.sampling_id = 1     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
     AND sample_detail.sample_lost = 'N'
last_number AS
( SELECT CAST ( MAX ( sample_detail.sample_set_number ) AS DECIMAL ( 9 ) ) AS sample_set_number
    FROM sample_detail
   WHERE sample_detail.sampling_id = 1     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
     AND sample_detail.sample_lost = 'N'
first_sample AS
( SELECT sample_detail.*
    FROM sample_detail
            INNER JOIN first_number
                    ON first_number.sample_set_number = sample_detail.sample_set_number
last_sample AS
( SELECT sample_detail.*
    FROM sample_detail
            INNER JOIN last_number
                    ON last_number.sample_set_number = sample_detail.sample_set_number
both AS
  SELECT CAST ( first_sample.sampling_id AS DECIMAL ( 3 ) )        AS "Id",
         first_sample.sample_recorded_at                           AS "First At",
         last_sample.sample_recorded_at                            AS "Last At",
         CAST ( first_sample.sample_set_number AS DECIMAL ( 9 ) )  AS "First Sample",
         CAST ( last_sample.sample_set_number AS DECIMAL ( 9 ) )   AS "Last Sample",
         CAST ( first_sample.FileSize * first_sample.page_size  
                AS DECIMAL ( 15 ) )                                AS "First Bytes",
         CAST ( last_sample.FileSize * last_sample.page_size   
                AS DECIMAL ( 15 ) )                                AS "Last Bytes",
         CAST ( first_sample.DBFileFragments AS DECIMAL ( 9 ) )    AS "First Frags",
         CAST ( last_sample.DBFileFragments AS DECIMAL ( 9 ) )     AS "Last Frags",
         DATEDIFF ( DAY, "First At", "Last At" )                   AS "Days Diff", 
         "Last Bytes" - "First Bytes"                              AS "Bytes Diff", 
         "Last Frags" - "First Frags"                              AS "Frags Diff", 
         CAST ( IF "Days Diff" <= 0
                   THEN 0
                   ELSE "Bytes Diff" / "Days Diff"
                END IF AS DECIMAL ( 15 ) )                         AS "Bytes/day",
         CAST ( IF "Days Diff" <= 0
                   THEN 0
                   ELSE "Frags Diff" / "Days Diff"
                END IF AS DECIMAL ( 11 ) )                         AS "Frags/day",
         CAST ( "Bytes/day" * 365.0 AS DECIMAL ( 15 ) )            AS "Bytes/year",
         CAST ( "Frags/day" * 365.0 AS DECIMAL ( 11 ) )            AS "Frags/year" 
    FROM first_sample,
       CAST ( "Days Diff"                                  AS DECIMAL ( 4 ) )  AS "Days",
       CAST ( rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( "First Bytes" )       AS VARCHAR ( 10 ) ) AS "First Bytes",
       CAST ( rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( "Last Bytes" )        AS VARCHAR ( 10 ) ) AS "Last Bytes",
       CAST ( rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( "Bytes Diff" )        AS VARCHAR ( 10 ) ) AS "Bytes +", 
       CAST ( rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( "Bytes/day" )         AS VARCHAR ( 10 ) ) AS "Bytes/day", 
       CAST ( rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( "Bytes/year" )        AS VARCHAR ( 10 ) ) AS "Bytes/year", 
       CAST ( rroad_f_number_with_commas ( "First Frags" ) AS VARCHAR ( 10 ) ) AS "First Frags", 
       CAST ( rroad_f_number_with_commas ( "Last Frags" )  AS VARCHAR ( 10 ) ) AS "Last Frags", 
       CAST ( rroad_f_number_with_commas ( "Frags Diff" )  AS VARCHAR ( 10 ) ) AS "Frags +", 
       CAST ( rroad_f_number_with_commas ( "Frags/day" )   AS VARCHAR ( 10 ) ) AS "Frags/day", 
       CAST ( rroad_f_number_with_commas ( "Frags/year" )  AS VARCHAR ( 10 ) ) AS "Frags/year"  
  FROM both;

   Id   Days First Bytes Last Bytes Bytes +    Bytes/day  Bytes/year First Frags Last Frags Frags +    Frags/day  Frags/year 
----- ------ ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
    3      4 64G         64G        21M        5.1M       1.8G       63          20         -43        -11        -4015     

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Display the Foxhound Administrator Authentication attributes
-- Display the authentication attributes that support the Foxhound Administrator Authentication feature.

SELECT * FROM authentication;


Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
External client connections per hour
-- An external client connection has a connection number in the range 1 to 999,999,999.

-- An extremely high external client connection rate may indicate unusual application behavior where many 
-- short-lived connections are consuming resources but going unnoticed by the Foxhound sampling process.

-- The WITH maxconn view returns the highest-numbered client connection in each sample.

-- The WITH diffconn view returns the change in the highest client connection number for each sample.

-- The WITH connrate view returns the new connection rate for each sample.

-- Note: This query might work best for continuous unbroken ranges of successful Foxhound samples, 
--       with no "Sampling stopped" or other gaps.

maxconn AS
    -- The BETWEEN 1 AND 999999999 predicate includes external client connections and excludes
    --   high-numbered internal, event and web service connections.
    -- The GROUP BY and MAX are used to determing the highest-numbered connection in each sample.
SELECT sample_connection.sampling_id                 AS sampling_id,
       sample_connection.sample_set_number           AS sample_set_number,
       MAX ( sample_connection.connection_number )   AS max_connection_number
  FROM sample_connection
 WHERE sample_connection.connection_number BETWEEN 1 AND 999999999 
 GROUP BY sample_connection.sampling_id,
diffconn AS
    -- The WINDOW moving_pair contains the previous and current samples.
    -- The diff_connection_number is difference between the highest connection number in the
    --   previous sample and the highest connection number in the current sample.
SELECT maxconn.sampling_id                                             AS sampling_id,
       maxconn.sample_set_number                                       AS sample_set_number,
       maxconn.max_connection_number                                   AS max_connection_number,
       FIRST_VALUE ( maxconn.max_connection_number ) OVER moving_pair  AS prev_max_connection_number,
       GREATER ( maxconn.max_connection_number 
                 - prev_max_connection_number,
                 0 )                                                   AS diff_connection_number
  FROM maxconn
WINDOW moving_pair AS
          ( ORDER BY maxconn.sample_set_number
connrate AS
    -- The connections_per_hour is the rate at which the connection number increased in the
    --    the interval between two consecutive samples.
    -- The rate may vary greatly because the interval is very short (only a few seconds)
    --    and the rate is calculated for a much longer period (an hour).
    -- Short high-rate bursts may not be significant, but sustained high rates probably are.
SELECT diffconn.sampling_id,
       CAST ( ( CAST ( diffconn.diff_connection_number AS DECIMAL ( 20, 6 ) )
              / CAST ( sample_detail.interval_msec AS DECIMAL ( 20, 6 ) ) ) 
              * ( 1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 ) 
              AS INTEGER ) AS connections_per_hour 
  FROM sample_detail
       INNER JOIN diffconn
          ON sample_detail.sample_set_number = diffconn.sample_set_number
SELECT [ see examples below ]; 

-- Example 1 : Top 10 external connection rates.

-- The sample_set_number BETWEEN predicate specifies a continuous range of successful
--   Foxhound samples, with no "Sampling stopped" or other gaps.

-- The interval_msec BETWEEN predicate excludes very short and long intervals because 
--   they may be skewed outliers.

       CAST ( STRING ( 
          'From ', prev_max_connection_number,  
          ' to ', max_connection_number,  
          ' = ', diff_connection_number ) 
          AS VARCHAR ( 35 ) )                       AS "Connection Number Difference",
       connrate.connections_per_hour                AS "Connections per hour",
       CAST ( connrate.interval_msec AS INTEGER )   AS "Interval msec",
  FROM connrate 
          INNER JOIN sample_detail
          ON sample_detail.sample_set_number = connrate.sample_set_number
 WHERE connrate.sampling_id       = 3 
   AND connrate.sample_set_number BETWEEN 2481232 AND 2507618  
   AND connrate.interval_msec     BETWEEN 6000 AND 14000
 ORDER BY connrate.connections_per_hour DESC; 

   sample_set_number Connection Number Difference        Connections per hour Interval msec sample_recorded_at      
-------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ------------- ----------------------- 
             2506123 From 1508938 to 1509746 = 808                     482228          6032 2018-12-07 15:25:48.197 
             2490720 From 1275806 to 1277106 = 1300                    478478          9781 2018-12-07 10:14:18.425 
             2493696 From 1324830 to 1326024 = 1194                    445015          9659 2018-12-07 11:14:14.141 
             2493768 From 1327079 to 1327909 = 830                     394976          7565 2018-12-07 11:15:38.808 
             2493578 From 1323136 to 1323846 = 710                     392084          6519 2018-12-07 11:11:55.161 
             2486362 From 1210397 to 1211057 = 660                     386907          6141 2018-12-07 08:46:17.425 
             2502487 From 1458551 to 1459492 = 941                     353685          9578 2018-12-07 14:12:46.741 
             2491655 From 1289817 to 1290696 = 879                     346214          9140 2018-12-07 10:33:25.098 
             2491156 From 1282426 to 1283145 = 719                     330659          7828 2018-12-07 10:23:16.214 
             2507252 From 1525404 to 1525954 = 550                     313688          6312 2018-12-07 15:48:35.967 

-- Example 2 : Average external connections per hour for a range of samples.

-- The sample_set_number BETWEEN predicate specifies a continuous range of successful
--   Foxhound samples, with no "Sampling stopped" or other gaps.

SELECT CAST ( AVG ( connections_per_hour ) AS INTEGER ) AS "Average Connections Per Hour"
  FROM connrate 
 WHERE connrate.sampling_id       = 3 
   AND connrate.sample_set_number BETWEEN 2481232 AND 2507618; 

Average Connections Per Hour 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Find "Go to:" sample set numbers for Alert #1 / All Clear/Cancelled pairs at least 60 seconds apart
-- These column values may be copy-and-pasted into the Go to: field on the Sample History 
-- page to go directly to the relevant Alert, All Clear and Cancelled messages:
--    alert.alert_occurrence
--    all_clear.all_clear_occurrence 
--    alert_cancelled.alert_cancelled_occurrence 
-- Note that the sample_set_number columns now contain copies of the values listed above; i.e.,
-- the sample_set_number values used to become out-of-date, now they are simply redundant :) 

SELECT CAST ( rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis ( STRING ( 
                 ' - ', 
                 IF sampling_options.selected_tab = '1'
                    THEN ' (DSN)' 
                    ELSE ''
                 END IF ),
                 'right' ) 
              AS VARCHAR ( 50 ) )                      AS "Target Database",
       CAST ( STRING ( alert.alert_number,  
                       ' ',  
                       alert_title.alert_title ) 
              AS VARCHAR ( 24 ) )                      AS "Alert",
       CAST ( alert.alert_occurrence AS INTEGER )      AS "Go to: Alert",
       CAST ( COALESCE ( 
                 alert_cancelled.alert_cancelled_occurrence ) 
              AS INTEGER )                             AS "Go to: All Clear/Cancelled",
       CAST ( DATEDIFF ( 
                 COALESCE ( all_clear.alert_all_clear_at,   
                 alert_cancelled.alert_all_clear_at ) )
             AS DECIMAL ( 6 ) )                        AS "Seconds"
  FROM sampling_options
       INNER JOIN alert
          ON alert.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id
       LEFT OUTER JOIN all_clear
          ON all_clear.sampling_id              = sampling_options.sampling_id
         AND all_clear.alert_number             = alert.alert_number
         AND all_clear.alert_in_effect_at       = alert.alert_in_effect_at
       LEFT OUTER JOIN alert_cancelled
          ON alert_cancelled.sampling_id        = sampling_options.sampling_id
         AND alert_cancelled.alert_number       = alert.alert_number
         AND alert_cancelled.alert_in_effect_at = alert.alert_in_effect_at
      INNER JOIN alert_title
          ON alert.alert_number = alert_title.alert_number
 WHERE alert.alert_number = 1
   AND alert.alert_is_clear_or_cancelled = 'Y'
   AND "Seconds" >= 60
 ORDER BY sampling_options.sampling_id,
       "Go to: All Clear/Cancelled" DESC;

Target Database                                    Alert                    Go to: Alert Go to: All Clear/Cancelled  Seconds 
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------ -------------------------- -------- 
7 - ddd17 (DSN)                                    1 Database unresponsive       1731019                    1744428    11202 
7 - ddd17 (DSN)                                    1 Database unresponsive       1717292                    1730989    11442 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Find when connections became blocked
-- Copy a sample_set_number and paste it into the "Go to:" field on the 
-- Sample History page to see what was going on when the connection became blocked.

SELECT sample_connection.sampling_id,
       MIN ( sample_connection.sample_set_number ) AS sample_set_number,
  FROM sample_connection
 WHERE COALESCE ( sample_connection.BlockedOn, 0 ) <> 0
 GROUP BY sample_connection.sampling_id,
 ORDER BY sample_set_number DESC,
       sample_connection.connection_number ASC;

sampling_id    sample_set_number    connection_number 
----------- -------------------- -------------------- 
          1                 4361                 2218 
          1                 4319                21166 
          1                 4057                21049 
          1                 3984                16049 
          1                 3941                 2232 
          1                 3941                17936 
          1                 3939                17936 
          1                 3936                15683 
          1                 3917                15683 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
First and last successful sample timestamps across all target databases
SELECT DATEFORMAT ( MIN ( sample_header.sample_finished_at ), 'Mmm Dd yyyy Hh:nn:ss AA' ) AS from_timestamp, 
       DATEFORMAT ( MAX ( sample_header.sample_finished_at ), 'Mmm Dd yyyy Hh:nn:ss AA' ) AS to_timestamp  
  FROM sample_header
          INNER JOIN sampling_options
                  ON sampling_options.sampling_id = sample_header.sampling_id
 WHERE sample_header.sample_lost = 'N';

from_timestamp          to_timestamp            
----------------------- ----------------------- 
Dec 3 2018 11:43:51 AM  Dec 23 2018 2:19:53 PM  

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
First and last successful sample timestamps for each target database
SELECT sample_header.sampling_id AS sampling_id,
       IF sampling_options.selected_tab = 1 
          THEN 'DSN' 
          ELSE 'String' 
       END IF AS connection_type,
       CAST ( sampling_options.selected_name AS VARCHAR ( 50 ) )                          AS target_database,
       DATEFORMAT ( MIN ( sample_header.sample_finished_at ), 'Mmm Dd yyyy Hh:nn:ss AA' ) AS from_timestamp, 
       DATEFORMAT ( MAX ( sample_header.sample_finished_at ), 'Mmm Dd yyyy Hh:nn:ss AA' ) AS to_timestamp  
  FROM sample_header
          INNER JOIN sampling_options
                  ON sampling_options.sampling_id = sample_header.sampling_id
 WHERE sample_header.sample_lost = 'N'
 GROUP BY sampling_id,
 ORDER BY target_database,

sampling_id connection_type target_database                                    from_timestamp          to_timestamp            
----------- --------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- 
          3 DSN             Accounting                                         Dec 3 2018 11:43:51 AM  Dec 7 2018 3:56:07 PM   
          6 DSN             Inventory17                                        Dec 23 2018 1:06:21 PM  Dec 23 2018 2:21:22 PM  

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
High connection-level CPU usage with HTML formatting
-- High connection-level CPU usage with HTML formatting

high_conn AS
SELECT DATEFORMAT ( sample_detail.sample_recorded_at, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss' )        AS "Conn Sample At",
       CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent AS DECIMAL ( 6, 1 ) )               AS "Server",  -- "Server CPU %",
       RIGHT ( STRING ( '      ', sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent ), 6 )      AS "CPU %",     -- "Conn CPU %", 
       IF sample_connection.child_connection_count = 0 
          THEN '    '
          ELSE RIGHT ( STRING ( '    ', sample_connection.child_connection_count ), 4 )
       END IF                                                                        AS "Child",      -- "Child Conns",
       CAST ( sample_connection.connection_number AS DECIMAL ( 9 ) )                 AS "Conn #",
       STRING ( sample_connection.Userid, ' - ', sample_connection.Name )            AS "User - Conn Name", 
       COALESCE ( sample_connection.LastStatement, '' )                              AS "LastStatement"
  FROM sample_detail
       INNER JOIN sample_connection
               ON sample_connection.sample_set_number = sample_detail.sample_set_number
       INNER JOIN sampling_options
               ON sampling_options.sampling_id = sample_connection.sampling_id
 WHERE sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent > 10.0
   AND sample_detail.interval_msec            >= 5000 -- eliminate abnormally short sample intervals
   AND sample_connection.connection_number    BETWEEN 1 AND 999999999
       '<TITLE>High Connection-Level CPU Usage queried at ', DATEFORMAT ( CURRENT TIMESTAMP, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn AA' ), '</TITLE>',
       'BODY { font-size: 100%; font-family: "LUCIDA CONSOLE", "COURIER NEW", "COURIER", "SANS-SERIF"; }',
       'TD { font-size: 1em; font-family: "LUCIDA CONSOLE", "COURIER NEW", "COURIER", "SANS-SERIF"; padding: 3px; vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap; }',
       '<H3>High Connection-Level CPU Usage queried at ', DATEFORMAT ( CURRENT TIMESTAMP, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn AA' ), '</H3>',
       '<H4>ORDER BY "Conn CPU %" DESC, "Conn #" ASC, "Conn Sample At"</H4>',
       '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>Conn Sample At</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>Conn<BR>CPU %</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>Child<BR>Conns</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; vertical-align: bottom;"> <B>Conn #</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; vertical-align: bottom;"> <B>User - Conn Name</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>Last Statement</B></TD>',
       LIST ( STRING ( 
          '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; ">',
          high_conn."Conn Sample At",
          '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; ">',
          high_conn."CPU %",
          '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; ">',
          '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; ">',
          high_conn."Conn #",
          '<DIV STYLE="max-width: 500px; padding-left: 1em; white-space: normal; word-wrap: break-word;">',
          high_conn."User - Conn Name",
          '<DIV STYLE="max-width: 900px; padding-left: 1em; white-space: normal; word-wrap: break-word;">',
       ORDER BY "CPU %" DESC,
                "Conn #" ASC,
                "Conn Sample At" ASC ),
       '</TABLE></BODY></HTML>' ) 
  FROM high_conn;


High Connection-Level CPU Usage queried at 2019-05-16 09:10 AM
ORDER BY "Conn CPU %" DESC, "Conn #" ASC, "Conn Sample At"
Conn Sample AtConn
Conn # User - Conn NameLast Statement
2016-02-18 17:11:41 25.5 1764
yyy - aaa
select ...
2016-02-18 17:42:02 25.1 4068
yyy - bbb
select ...

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
High-CPU queries with HTML formatting
-- A high-CPU query is a long-running query that has been using a lot of CPU time.

-- 1. The long_running_query view identifies queries that have been executing for two or more samples.
--    The connection_id_string matches connection samples for the same connection.
--    The LastReqTime matches connection samples for the same request.
--    The WHERE ReqStatus <> 'Idle' predicate includes 'Executing' and all 'Waiting...' status values.
--    The HAVING clause eliminates short-running requests.
long_running_query AS
SELECT sample_connection.connection_id_string          AS connection_id_string,
       sample_connection.LastReqTime                   AS LastReqTime,
       MIN ( sample_connection.sample_set_number )     AS from_sample_set_number, 
       MAX ( sample_connection.sample_set_number )     AS to_sample_set_number,
       MAX ( sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent )  AS max_cpu,
       AVG ( sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent )  AS avg_cpu,
       AVG ( sample_connection.busy_percent )          AS avg_busy -- MAX busy omitted, will always be 99%
  FROM sample_connection
 WHERE sample_connection.ReqStatus <> 'Idle'
   AND sample_connection.time_since_last_request > 0
   AND TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.LastStatement, '' ) ) <> ''
 GROUP BY sample_connection.connection_id_string, 
HAVING from_sample_set_number <> to_sample_set_number
-- 2. The highest_cpu_query view formats the columns for display and selects the highest CPU queries.
--    The SELECT builds a formatted result set for the queries identified by the WITH long_running_query view.
--    Feel free to trim and/or expand the SELECT list, and/or add WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.
--    The FROM long_running_query provides the connection samples of interest.
--    The INNER JOIN sample_connection provides access to additional connection sample columns.
--    The INNER JOIN sample_header provides access to the sample_finished_at column
--    The INNER JOIN sampling_options prevents retrieval of connection samples from "zombie" (deleted) target databases.
highest_cpu_query AS
       sampling_options.sampling_id                                           AS "ID",
       DATEFORMAT ( long_running_query.LastReqTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss' )   AS "From",
       DATEFORMAT ( sample_header.sample_finished_at, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss' ) AS "To",
       long_running_query.from_sample_set_number                              AS "From Sample",
       long_running_query.to_sample_set_number                                AS "To Sample",
       CAST ( sample_connection.time_since_last_request / 1000 AS INTEGER )   AS "Seconds",
       CAST ( long_running_query.max_cpu AS DECIMAL ( 9, 1 ) )                AS "Max CPU %",
       CAST ( long_running_query.avg_cpu AS DECIMAL ( 9, 1 ) )                AS "Avg CPU %",
       CAST ( long_running_query.avg_busy AS DECIMAL ( 9, 1 ) )               AS "Avg Busy %",
       sample_connection.child_connection_count                               AS "Child Conns",
       STRING ( 
          ' / ',
          IF TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.Userid, '' ) ) = ''
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.Userid
          ' / ',
          IF TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.OSUser, '' ) ) = ''
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.OSUser
          ' / ',
          IF TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.NodeAddress, '' ) ) IN ( '', 'NA' )
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.NodeAddress
          ' / ',
          IF COALESCE ( sample_connection.Name, '' ) = ''
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.Name
          ENDIF )                                    AS "Conn #, User, OS User, IP, Name",
       sample_connection.LastStatement               AS LastStatement
  FROM long_running_query
          INNER JOIN sample_connection
                  ON sample_connection.connection_id_string = long_running_query.connection_id_string 
                 AND sample_connection.sample_set_number    = long_running_query.to_sample_set_number 
          INNER JOIN sample_header
                  ON sample_header.sample_set_number = sample_connection.sample_set_number
          INNER JOIN sampling_options
                  ON sampling_options.sampling_id = sample_connection.sampling_id
       "To Sample" ASC 
-- 3. The final SELECT prepares the HTML for ouput.
       '<TITLE>Overview of High-CPU Queries as at ', DATEFORMAT ( CURRENT TIMESTAMP, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn AA' ), '</TITLE>',
       'BODY { font-size: 100%; font-family: "LUCIDA CONSOLE", "COURIER NEW", "COURIER", "SANS-SERIF"; }',
       'TD { font-size: 1em; font-family: "LUCIDA CONSOLE", "COURIER NEW", "COURIER", "SANS-SERIF"; padding: 3px; vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap; }',
       '<H3>Overview of High-CPU Queries as at ', DATEFORMAT ( CURRENT TIMESTAMP, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn AA' ), '</H3>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>ID</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>From</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>To</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"> <B>From<BR> Sample</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"> <B>To<BR> Sample</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"> <B>Seconds</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>Max<BR>CPU<BR>%</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>Avg<BR>CPU<BR>%</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>Avg<BR>Busy<BR>%</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>Conn #, User, OS User, IP, Name</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>Last Statement</B></TD>',
       LIST ( STRING ( 
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;">',
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;">',
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;">  ',
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;"> ',
          highest_cpu_query."From Sample",
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;"> ',
          highest_cpu_query."To Sample",
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;"> ',
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;">',
          highest_cpu_query."Max CPU %",
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;">',
          highest_cpu_query."Avg CPU %",
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;">',
          highest_cpu_query."Avg Busy %",
          '<DIV STYLE="max-width: 600px; padding-left: 1em; white-space: normal; word-wrap: break-word;">',
          highest_cpu_query."Conn #, User, OS User, IP, Name",
          '<DIV STYLE="max-width: 800px; padding-left: 1em; white-space: normal; word-wrap: break-word;">',
       ORDER BY highest_cpu_query."Avg CPU %" DESC,
             highest_cpu_query."To Sample" ASC ),
       '</TABLE></BODY></HTML>' ) 
  FROM highest_cpu_query;


Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
List all the Foxhound Administrator Authentication users.
-- List all the administrator users defined for the Foxhound Administrator Authentication feature.

SELECT * FROM administrator ORDER BY user_name;

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
List all the patch files that were processed when Foxhound was started
  FROM patch 
 ORDER BY patch.file_name;

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Long-running queries
-- A long-running query is a SQL statement that has been executing for a long time on the same connection.

-- The WITH long_running_query view identifies queries that have been executing for two or more samples.
-- The connection_id_string matches connection samples for the same connection.
-- The LastReqTime matches connection samples for the same request.
-- The WHERE clause eliminates unqualified or uninteresting connection samples.
-- The HAVING clause eliminates short-running requests.

WITH long_running_query AS
   ( SELECT sample_connection.connection_id_string      AS connection_id_string,
            sample_connection.LastReqTime               AS LastReqTime,
            MIN ( sample_connection.sample_set_number ) AS from_sample_set_number, 
            MAX ( sample_connection.sample_set_number ) AS to_sample_set_number 
       FROM sample_connection
      WHERE sample_connection.ReqStatus = 'Executing'
        AND sample_connection.time_since_last_request > 0
        AND TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.LastStatement, '' ) ) <> ''
      GROUP BY sample_connection.sampling_id, 
     HAVING from_sample_set_number <> to_sample_set_number )

-- The SELECT builds a formatted result set for the queries identified by the WITH long_running_query view.
-- Feel free to trim and/or expand the SELECT list, and/or add WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.

       STRING ( 
          ' / ',
          IF TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.Userid, '' ) ) = ''
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.Userid
          ' / ',
          IF TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.OSUser, '' ) ) = ''
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.OSUser
          ' / ',
          IF TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.NodeAddress, '' ) ) IN ( '', 'NA' )
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.NodeAddress
          ' / ',
          IF COALESCE ( sample_connection.Name, '' ) = ''
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.Name
          ENDIF )                                    AS "Conn #, User, OS User, IP, Name",
       CAST ( sample_connection.time_since_last_request / 1000 AS BIGINT )  AS elapsed_seconds,
       sample_connection.LastStatement               AS LastStatement,
       sample_connection.LastPlanText                AS LastPlanText 

  -- The FROM long_running_query provides the connection samples of interest.
  -- The INNER JOIN sample_connection provides access to additional connection sample columns.
  -- The INNER JOIN sample_header provides access to the sample_finished_at column
  -- The INNER JOIN sampling_options prevents retrieval of connection samples from "zombie" (deleted) target databases.

  FROM long_running_query
          INNER JOIN sample_connection
                  ON sample_connection.connection_id_string = long_running_query.connection_id_string 
                 AND sample_connection.sample_set_number    = long_running_query.to_sample_set_number 
          INNER JOIN sample_header
                  ON sample_header.sample_set_number = sample_connection.sample_set_number
          INNER JOIN sampling_options
                  ON sampling_options.sampling_id = sample_connection.sampling_id
 ORDER BY elapsed_seconds DESC,
       long_running_query.to_sample_set_number ASC;

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Long-running queries with HTML formatting
-- A long-running query is a SQL statement that has been executing for a long time on the same connection.

-- 1. The long_running_query view identifies queries that have been executing for two or more samples.
--    The connection_id_string matches connection samples for the same connection.
--    The LastReqTime matches connection samples for the same request.
--    The WHERE ReqStatus <> 'Idle' predicate includes 'Executing' and all 'Waiting...' status values.
--    The HAVING clause eliminates short-running requests.
long_running_query AS
SELECT sample_connection.connection_id_string          AS connection_id_string,
       sample_connection.LastReqTime                   AS LastReqTime,
       MIN ( sample_connection.sample_set_number )     AS from_sample_set_number, 
       MAX ( sample_connection.sample_set_number )     AS to_sample_set_number,
       MAX ( sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent )  AS max_cpu,
       AVG ( sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent )  AS avg_cpu
  FROM sample_connection
 WHERE sample_connection.ReqStatus <> 'Idle'
   AND sample_connection.time_since_last_request > 0
   AND TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.LastStatement, '' ) ) <> ''
 GROUP BY sample_connection.sampling_id, 
HAVING from_sample_set_number <> to_sample_set_number
-- 2. The longest_running_query view formats the columns for display and selects the longest running queries.
--    The SELECT builds a formatted result set for the queries identified by the WITH long_running_query view.
--    Feel free to trim and/or expand the SELECT list, and/or add WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.
--    The FROM long_running_query provides the connection samples of interest.
--    The INNER JOIN sample_connection provides access to additional connection sample columns.
--    The INNER JOIN sample_header provides access to the sample_finished_at column
--    The INNER JOIN sampling_options prevents retrieval of connection samples from "zombie" (deleted) target databases.
longest_running_query AS
       sampling_options.sampling_id                                           AS "ID",
       DATEFORMAT ( long_running_query.LastReqTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss' )   AS "From",
       DATEFORMAT ( sample_header.sample_finished_at, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss' ) AS "To",
       long_running_query.to_sample_set_number                                AS "To Sample",
       CAST ( sample_connection.time_since_last_request / 1000 AS INTEGER )   AS "Seconds",
       CAST ( long_running_query.max_cpu AS DECIMAL ( 9, 1 ) )                AS "Max CPU %",
       CAST ( long_running_query.avg_cpu AS DECIMAL ( 9, 1 ) )                AS "Avg CPU %",
       STRING ( 
          ' / ',
          IF TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.Userid, '' ) ) = ''
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.Userid
          ' / ',
          IF TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.OSUser, '' ) ) = ''
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.OSUser
          ' / ',
          IF TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.NodeAddress, '' ) ) IN ( '', 'NA' )
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.NodeAddress
          ' / ',
          IF COALESCE ( sample_connection.Name, '' ) = ''
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.Name
          ENDIF )                                    AS "Conn #, User, OS User, IP, Name",
       sample_connection.LastStatement               AS LastStatement
  FROM long_running_query
          INNER JOIN sample_connection
                  ON sample_connection.connection_id_string = long_running_query.connection_id_string 
                 AND sample_connection.sample_set_number    = long_running_query.to_sample_set_number 
          INNER JOIN sample_header
                  ON sample_header.sample_set_number = sample_connection.sample_set_number
          INNER JOIN sampling_options
                  ON sampling_options.sampling_id = sample_connection.sampling_id
 ORDER BY "Seconds" DESC,
       "To Sample" ASC 
-- 3. The final SELECT prepares the HTML for ouput.
       '<TITLE>Overview of Long-Running Queries as at ', 
       DATEFORMAT ( CURRENT TIMESTAMP, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn AA' ),  
       'BODY { font-size: 100%; font-family: "LUCIDA CONSOLE", "COURIER NEW", "COURIER", "SANS-SERIF"; }',
       'TD { font-size: 1em; font-family: "LUCIDA CONSOLE", "COURIER NEW", "COURIER", "SANS-SERIF"; ', 
       'padding: 3px; vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap; }',
       '<H3>Overview of Long-Running Queries as at ', DATEFORMAT ( CURRENT TIMESTAMP, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn AA' ), '</H3>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>ID</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>From</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>To</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"> <B>To<BR> Sample</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"> <B>Seconds</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>Max<BR>CPU<BR>%</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>Avg<BR>CPU<BR>%</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>Conn #, User, OS User, IP, Name</B></TD>',
       '<TD STYLE="padding-left: 1em; vertical-align: bottom;"><B>Last Statement</B></TD>',
       LIST ( STRING ( 
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;">',
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;">',
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;">  ',
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;"> ',
          longest_running_query."To Sample",
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;"> ',
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;">',
          longest_running_query."Max CPU %",
          '<TD STYLE="text-align: center;">',
          longest_running_query."Avg CPU %",
          '<DIV STYLE="max-width: 600px; padding-left: 1em; white-space: normal; word-wrap: break-word;">',
          longest_running_query."Conn #, User, OS User, IP, Name",
          '<DIV STYLE="max-width: 800px; padding-left: 1em; white-space: normal; word-wrap: break-word;">',
       ORDER BY longest_running_query."Seconds" DESC,
             longest_running_query."To Sample" ASC ),
       '</TABLE></BODY></HTML>' ) 
  FROM longest_running_query;

Overview of Long-Running Queries as at 2019-05-16 08:26 AM
IDFromTo To
Conn #, User, OS User, IP, NameLast Statement
12016-02-18 17:11:17 2016-02-18 17:13:31 4179 1347.73.5
1764 / xxx / - / / yyy
select ...
12016-02-18 21:00:17 2016-02-18 21:02:27 5554 1302.52.5
26097 / xxx / - / - / SQL_DBC_7f06790
select ...

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Number of samples for each target database
SELECT sample_header.sampling_id AS sampling_id,
       IF sampling_options.selected_tab = 1 
          THEN 'DSN' 
          ELSE 'String' 
       END IF AS connection_type,
       CAST ( sampling_options.selected_name AS VARCHAR ( 50 ) ) AS target_database,
       COUNT(*) AS sample_count
  FROM sample_header
          INNER JOIN sampling_options
                  ON sampling_options.sampling_id = sample_header.sampling_id
 GROUP BY sampling_id,
 ORDER BY target_database,

sampling_id connection_type target_database                                    sample_count 
----------- --------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ 
          3 DSN             Accounting                                                27132 
          6 DSN             Inventory17                                                 458 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Peak average sample rates
-- Average rates over several successive samples are sometimes just as interesting as peak rates 
-- which may only be sustained for one or two samples.

-- The following examples show how to calculate the average rates over 10 samples of three different
-- sample_detail columns: interval_DiskRead, interval_DiskWrite and interval_IndAdd, with the top 10
-- values shown in each case.

-- The WINDOW ten_rows allows the calculation of a rolling AVG() over ten samples. You may want to
-- experiment with different window sizes; e.g., 5 samples: ROWS BETWEEN 4 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW.

-- Note that the sample_detail view does not contain rate columns (no "rate_DiskRead") so calculations
-- like "interval_DiskRead * 1000.0 / interval_msec" must be performed in your adhoc query.

-- Note also that you can copy the "Recorded At" values into the Go to: field on the History page.

       LAST_VALUE ( sample_detail.sample_recorded_at ) OVER ten_rows AS "Recorded At",
       CAST ( AVG ( sample_detail.interval_DiskRead 
              * 1000.0 
              / sample_detail.interval_msec ) OVER ten_rows 
              AS BIGINT )                                            AS "Avg Disk Reads/s"
  FROM sample_detail
 WHERE COALESCE ( sample_detail.interval_msec, 0 ) > 0
WINDOW ten_rows AS ( ORDER BY sample_detail.sample_recorded_at ROWS BETWEEN 9 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW )
ORDER BY "Avg Disk Reads/s" DESC;

Recorded At                 Avg Disk Reads/s 
----------------------- -------------------- 
2018-12-05 04:18:39.333                 3187 
2018-12-05 04:18:29.442                 3103 
2018-12-05 04:18:49.240                 2826 
2018-12-05 04:18:19.520                 2776 
2018-12-05 04:18:09.583                 2512 
2018-12-05 04:18:59.130                 2459 
2018-12-05 04:17:59.676                 2227 
2018-12-05 04:19:09.068                 2084 
2018-12-05 04:17:49.739                 1852 
2018-12-05 04:19:18.959                 1716 

       LAST_VALUE ( sample_detail.sample_recorded_at ) OVER ten_rows AS "Recorded At",
       CAST ( AVG ( sample_detail.interval_DiskWrite
              * 1000.0 
              / sample_detail.interval_msec ) OVER ten_rows 
              AS BIGINT )                                            AS "Avg Disk Writes/s"
  FROM sample_detail
 WHERE COALESCE ( sample_detail.interval_msec, 0 ) > 0
WINDOW ten_rows AS ( ORDER BY sample_detail.sample_recorded_at ROWS BETWEEN 9 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW )
ORDER BY "Avg Disk Writes/s" DESC;

Recorded At                Avg Disk Writes/s 
----------------------- -------------------- 
2018-12-05 09:41:33.520                  104 
2018-12-05 09:40:53.800                  103 
2018-12-05 09:40:43.878                  103 
2018-12-05 09:41:23.738                  103 
2018-12-05 09:40:34.191                  103 
2018-12-05 09:41:03.722                  103 
2018-12-05 09:41:15.254                  102 
2018-12-05 09:40:14.722                  102 
2018-12-05 09:40:24.003                  102 
2018-12-05 09:40:04.378                  102 

-- Note that large IndAdd values may be the result of UPDATE statements that modify index columns.

       LAST_VALUE ( sample_detail.sample_recorded_at ) OVER ten_rows AS "Recorded At",
       CAST ( AVG ( sample_detail.interval_IndAdd 
              * 1000.0 
              / sample_detail.interval_msec ) OVER ten_rows 
              AS BIGINT )                                            AS "Avg Index Adds/s"
  FROM sample_detail
 WHERE COALESCE ( sample_detail.interval_msec, 0 ) > 0
WINDOW ten_rows AS ( ORDER BY sample_detail.sample_recorded_at ROWS BETWEEN 9 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW )
ORDER BY "Avg Index Adds/s" DESC;

Recorded At                 Avg Index Adds/s 
----------------------- -------------------- 
2018-12-05 09:40:43.878               179868 
2018-12-05 09:40:24.003               179063 
2018-12-05 09:40:34.191               179063 
2018-12-05 09:40:53.800               177794 
2018-12-05 09:40:14.722               171822 
2018-12-05 09:40:04.378               149262 
2018-12-05 09:41:03.722               141270 
2018-12-05 09:39:55.065               125124 
2018-12-05 09:41:15.254               114842 
2018-12-05 09:39:44.471                97237 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Recent purge runs
  FROM purge_run
 ORDER BY run_number DESC;

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Recent sample headers and details for each target database
-- This is a template SELECT that makes all the server and database-level columns
-- available for the most recent 10 samples in each target database, but excludes 
-- the connection-level details.
-- The "eyecatcher" columns HEADER: and DETAIL: are included to make your life a
-- little easer when scrolling from side to side through so many columns.

SELECT CAST ( rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis ( STRING ( 
                 ' - ', 
                 IF sampling_options.selected_tab = '1'
                    THEN ' (DSN)' 
                    ELSE ''
                 END IF ),
                 'center' ) 
              AS VARCHAR ( 30 ) )   AS "Target Database",
       sample_header.row_order      AS "Recent Row Number", 
       '     HEADER:',
       '     DETAIL:',
  FROM sampling_options
                           RANK() OVER sample_window AS row_order
                      FROM sample_header
                    WINDOW sample_window AS (
                              PARTITION BY sampling_id
                              ORDER BY sample_set_number DESC ) 
                  ) AS sample_header
       ON sample_header.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id
       INNER JOIN sample_detail
       ON sample_detail.sample_set_number = sample_header.sample_set_number
 WHERE sample_header.row_order <= 10
 ORDER BY sampling_options.selected_name,
       sample_header.sample_set_number DESC;

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Recent sample headers, details and connections for each target database
-- This is a template SELECT that makes all the server, database and connection-level
-- columns available for the most recent 10 samples in each target database.
-- Note that the sample_header and sample_detail columns (and the Recent Row Number values)
-- are REPEATED for every sample_connection row... so this is very much JUST a template :)
-- The "eyecatcher" columns HEADER:, DETAIL: and CONNECTION: are included to make your 
-- life a little easer when scrolling from side to side through so many columns.

SELECT CAST ( rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis ( STRING ( 
                 ' - ', 
                 IF sampling_options.selected_tab = '1'
                    THEN ' (DSN)' 
                    ELSE ''
                 END IF ),
                 'center' ) 
              AS VARCHAR ( 30 ) )   AS "Target Database",
       sample_header.row_order      AS "Recent Row Number", 
       '     HEADER:',
       '     DETAIL:',
       '     CONNECTION:',
  FROM sampling_options
                           RANK() OVER sample_window AS row_order
                      FROM sample_header
                    WINDOW sample_window AS (
                              PARTITION BY sampling_id
                              ORDER BY sample_set_number DESC ) 
                  ) AS sample_header
       ON sample_header.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id
       INNER JOIN sample_detail
       ON sample_detail.sample_set_number = sample_header.sample_set_number
       LEFT OUTER JOIN sample_connection
       ON sample_connection.sample_set_number = sample_detail.sample_set_number
 WHERE sample_header.row_order <= 10
 ORDER BY sampling_options.selected_name,
       sample_header.sample_set_number DESC,

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Recent sample headers for each target database
-- The WINDOW clause partitions the sample_header rows by target database, 
-- sorts the most recent rows to the top and then numbers those rows 
-- so the WHERE clause can select the first 2 from each partition.

-- Note that the final ORDER BY is alphabetical by selected_name rather than
-- using the "Target Database" which includes the sampling_id.

SELECT CAST ( rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis ( STRING ( 
                 ' - ', 
                 IF sampling_options.selected_tab = '1'
                    THEN ' (DSN)' 
                    ELSE ''
                 END IF ),
                 'center' ) 
              AS VARCHAR ( 30 ) )   AS "Target Database",
       sample_header.row_order      AS "Recent Row Number", 
  FROM sampling_options
                           RANK() OVER sample_window AS row_order
                      FROM sample_header
                    WINDOW sample_window AS (
                              PARTITION BY sampling_id
                              ORDER BY sample_set_number DESC ) 
                  ) AS sample_header
       ON sample_header.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id
 WHERE sample_header.row_order <= 2
 ORDER BY sampling_options.selected_name,
       sample_header.sample_set_number DESC;

Target Database                Recent Row Number sampling_id    sample_set_number sample_finished_at      
------------------------------ ----------------- ----------- -------------------- ----------------------- 
1 - Accounting (DSN)                           1           1                 1180 2018-12-08 10:07:39.716 
1 - Accounting (DSN)                           2           1                 1176 2018-12-08 10:07:29.805 
5 - inventory17 (offline)                      1           5                 1087 2018-12-08 10:03:32.256 
5 - inventory17 (offline)                      2           5                 1086 2018-12-08 10:03:32.256 
2 - Payroll (DSN)                              1           2                 1177 2018-12-08 10:07:29.992 
2 - Payroll (DSN)                              2           2                 1173 2018-12-08 10:07:20.097 
3 - Receiving (DSN)                            1           3                 1178 2018-12-08 10:07:30.302 
3 - Receiving (DSN)                            2           3                 1174 2018-12-08 10:07:20.440 
4 - Shipping (DSN)                             1           4                 1179 2018-12-08 10:07:35.629 
4 - Shipping (DSN)                             2           4                 1175 2018-12-08 10:07:25.720 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Response and throughput with 100-sample moving averages
averages AS
SELECT sample_detail.sampling_id,
       sampling_options.selected_name                           AS target_database,
       ( sample_detail.interval_msec / 1000.0 )                 AS interval_sec,
       ( sample_detail.canarian_query_elapsed_msec /  1000.0 )  AS heartbeat_sec,
       ( sample_detail.sample_elapsed_msec          / 1000.0 )  AS sample_sec,
       ( sample_detail.successful_ping_elapsed_msec / 1000.0 )  AS ping_sec,
       sample_detail.interval_Req    / interval_sec             AS requests_per_sec,
       ( sample_detail.interval_BytesReceived  
         + sample_detail.interval_BytesSent ) / interval_sec    AS bytes_per_sec,   
       sample_detail.interval_Commit / interval_sec             AS commits_per_sec,
       CAST ( AVG ( heartbeat_sec )    OVER moving_window AS DECIMAL ( 11, 2 ) )  AS avg_heartbeat_sec,
       CAST ( AVG ( sample_sec )       OVER moving_window AS DECIMAL ( 11, 2 ) )  AS avg_sample_sec, 
       CAST ( AVG ( ping_sec )         OVER moving_window AS DECIMAL ( 11, 2 ) )  AS avg_ping_sec, 
       CAST ( AVG ( requests_per_sec ) OVER moving_window AS DECIMAL ( 11, 2 ) )  AS avg_requests_per_sec, 
       CAST ( AVG ( bytes_per_sec )    OVER moving_window AS DECIMAL ( 11, 2 ) )  AS avg_bytes_per_sec,  
       CAST ( AVG ( commits_per_sec )  OVER moving_window AS DECIMAL ( 11, 2 ) )  AS avg_commits_per_sec   
  FROM sampling_options
       INNER JOIN sample_detail
          ON sample_detail.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id
 WHERE sample_detail.sample_recorded_at 
          BETWEEN 'Dec 7 7:00:00 AM' AND 'Dec 7 3:56:07 PM'             -- EDIT THIS
   AND sample_detail.sampling_id   = 3                                  -- EDIT THIS
   AND sample_detail.interval_msec > 0 
   AND sample_detail.sample_lost   = 'N'
WINDOW moving_window AS
          ( ORDER BY sample_detail.sample_set_number DESC
-- Note: This example doesn't SELECT all the columns in averages.
  FROM averages
 ORDER BY averages.sample_set_number DESC;

sampling_id    sample_set_number avg_heartbeat_sec avg_sample_sec  avg_ping_sec avg_requests_per_sec avg_bytes_per_sec avg_commits_per_sec 
----------- -------------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------- -------------------- ----------------- ------------------- 
          3              2507606              0.30           2.86          0.22               333.62         330563.59               29.69 
          3              2507601              0.30           2.84          0.23               335.20         333073.81               29.76 
          3              2507592              0.30           2.83          0.20               334.56         325784.20               29.54 
          3              2507584              0.28           2.81          0.18               334.64         322260.53               29.50 
          3              2507576              0.28           2.81          0.18               333.02         321284.52               29.36 
          3              2507567              0.28           2.80          0.18               334.06         311788.19               29.29 
          3              2507559              0.29           2.80          0.18               334.66         312784.67               29.27 
          3              2507551              0.29           2.79          0.17               335.55         312595.48               29.37 
          3              2507543              0.28           2.79          0.17               334.35         318440.75               29.30 
          3              2507535              0.28           2.78          0.17               333.20         324179.88               29.28 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Response time volatility and connection churn
-- Response time volatility measures how much the interval, heartbeat, sample and ping times 
-- varied up and down in one sampling interval.

-- Connection number churn is the total number of external client connections that were created 
-- and dropped in one sampling interval. If the same connection is created and dropped in the same
-- interval it is counted as 2.

-- An external client connection has a connection number in the range 1 to 999,999,999.

-- The interval time is a measurement of response time even though Foxhound displays it separately 
-- from other response time numbers; i.e, the interval time is supposed to be 10 seconds or close to it.

-- High numbers for volatility and churn may indicate unusual application behavior where frequent 
-- bursts of activity and short-lived connections are causing performance problems that are not
-- reflected in other performance statistics displayed by Foxhound.

-- The WITH maxconn view returns the highest-numbered client connection in each sample.

-- The WITH diffconn view returns the change in the highest client connection number for each sample.

-- The WITH connrate view calculates the volatility and churn rates for each sample.

-- Note: This query might work best for continuous unbroken ranges of successful Foxhound samples, 
--       with no "Sampling stopped" or other gaps.

maxconn AS
    -- The BETWEEN 1 AND 999999999 predicate includes external client connections and excludes
    --   high-numbered internal, event and web service connections.
    -- The GROUP BY and MAX are used to determing the highest-numbered connection in each sample.
SELECT sample_connection.sampling_id                 AS sampling_id,
       sample_connection.sample_set_number           AS sample_set_number,
       COUNT(*)                                      AS client_connection_count,
       MAX ( sample_connection.connection_number )   AS max_client_connection_number 
  FROM sample_connection
 WHERE sample_connection.connection_number BETWEEN 1 AND 999999999 
 GROUP BY sample_connection.sampling_id,
diffconn AS
    -- The WINDOW moving_pair contains the previous and current samples.
SELECT maxconn.sampling_id                                                    AS sampling_id,
       maxconn.sample_set_number                                              AS this_sample_set_number,
       maxconn.client_connection_count                                        AS this_client_connection_count,
       maxconn.max_client_connection_number                                   AS this_max_client_connection_number,
       FIRST_VALUE ( maxconn.sample_set_number )            OVER moving_pair  AS prev_sample_set_number,
       FIRST_VALUE ( maxconn.client_connection_count )      OVER moving_pair  AS prev_client_connection_count,
       FIRST_VALUE ( maxconn.max_client_connection_number ) OVER moving_pair  AS prev_max_client_connection_number,
          - prev_max_client_connection_number                                 AS interval_max_connection_number_increase
  FROM maxconn
WINDOW moving_pair AS ( ORDER BY maxconn.sample_set_number ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW )
connrate AS
SELECT diffconn.sampling_id                                         AS sampling_id,
       diffconn.this_sample_set_number                              AS this_sample_set_number,
       this_sample_detail.sample_recorded_at                        AS this_sample_recorded_at,
       diffconn.this_client_connection_count                        AS this_client_connection_count,
       diffconn.this_max_client_connection_number                   AS this_max_client_connection_number,
       this_sample_detail.interval_msec                             AS this_interval_msec,
       this_sample_detail.canarian_query_elapsed_msec               AS this_canarian_query_elapsed_msec,
       this_sample_detail.sample_elapsed_msec                       AS this_sample_elapsed_msec,
       this_sample_detail.successful_ping_elapsed_msec              AS this_successful_ping_elapsed_msec,
       diffconn.prev_sample_set_number                              AS prev_sample_set_number,
       diffconn.prev_client_connection_count                        AS prev_client_connection_count,
       diffconn.prev_max_client_connection_number                   AS prev_max_client_connection_number,
       prev_sample_detail.interval_msec                             AS prev_interval_msec,
       prev_sample_detail.canarian_query_elapsed_msec               AS prev_canarian_query_elapsed_msec,
       prev_sample_detail.sample_elapsed_msec                       AS prev_sample_elapsed_msec,
       prev_sample_detail.successful_ping_elapsed_msec              AS prev_successful_ping_elapsed_msec,
       ABS ( this_sample_detail.interval_msec 
                - prev_sample_detail.interval_msec )                AS interval_volatility,
       ABS ( this_sample_detail.canarian_query_elapsed_msec 
                - prev_sample_detail.canarian_query_elapsed_msec )  AS heartbeat_volatility,
       ABS ( this_sample_detail.sample_elapsed_msec 
                - prev_sample_detail.sample_elapsed_msec )          AS sample_time_volatility,
       ABS ( this_sample_detail.successful_ping_elapsed_msec 
                - prev_sample_detail.successful_ping_elapsed_msec ) AS ping_volatility,

       -- The connection numbers that were added (interval_max_client_connection_number_increase)
       --    = the largest client connection number that exists now (this_max_client_connection_number)
       --    - the largest client connection number used to exist (prev_max_client_connection_number)
       --    or zero, whichever is larger (the value in this_max_client_connection_number may be too small).

       GREATER ( diffconn.this_max_client_connection_number 
                 - diffconn.prev_max_client_connection_number,
                 0 )                                                AS interval_max_client_connection_number_increase,

       -- The connection rate (client_connection_rate) is the hourly rate at which client connection 
       --    numbers. The rate may vary greatly because the interval is very short (only a few seconds) 
       --    and the rate is calculated for a much longer period (an hour). Short high-rate bursts may 
       --    not be significant but sustained high rates probably are.

       CAST ( ( CAST ( interval_max_client_connection_number_increase
                       AS DECIMAL ( 20, 6 ) )
              / CAST ( this_sample_detail.interval_msec 
                       AS DECIMAL ( 20, 6 ) ) ) 
              * ( 1000.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 ) 
              AS INTEGER )                                          AS client_connection_rate,

       -- The number of connections that were dropped (interval_client_disconnection_count)
       --    = the connection count that used to exist (prev_client_connection_count
       --    + the connection numbers that were added (interval_max_client_connection_number_increase)
       --    - the connection count that exists now (this_client_connection_count).

          + interval_max_client_connection_number_increase 
          - diffconn.this_client_connection_count                   AS interval_client_disconnection_count,

       -- The churn (connection_churm)
       --    includes both the connection numbers that were added (interval_max_client_connection_number_increase)
       --    plus the number of connections that were dropped (interval_client_disconnection_count).
          + interval_client_disconnection_count                     AS connection_churn
   FROM diffconn
       INNER JOIN sample_detail AS this_sample_detail
          ON this_sample_detail.sample_set_number = diffconn.this_sample_set_number
       INNER JOIN sample_detail AS prev_sample_detail
          ON prev_sample_detail.sample_set_number = diffconn.prev_sample_set_number
SELECT [ see examples below ]; 

-- Example 1 : Top 10 heartbeat volatility.

-- The sample_set_number BETWEEN predicate specifies a continuous range of successful
--   Foxhound samples, with no "Sampling stopped" or other gaps.

-- Note: This example doesn't SELECT all the columns in connrate.

       CAST ( connrate.this_sample_set_number AS INTEGER )   AS "Sample Set",
       connrate.this_sample_recorded_at                      AS "Recorded At",
       CAST ( connrate.interval_volatility AS INTEGER )      AS "Interval Volatility",
       CAST ( connrate.heartbeat_volatility AS INTEGER )     AS "Heartbeat Volatility",
       CAST ( connrate.sample_time_volatility AS INTEGER )   AS "Sample Time Volatility",
       CAST ( connrate.ping_volatility AS INTEGER )          AS "Ping Volatility",
       CAST ( connrate.client_connection_rate AS INTEGER )   AS "Connections Per Hour",
       CAST ( connrate.connection_churn AS INTEGER )         AS "Connection Churn" 
  FROM connrate 
 WHERE connrate.sampling_id            = 3 
   AND connrate.this_sample_set_number BETWEEN 2481232 AND 2507618  
 ORDER BY "Heartbeat Volatility" DESC;

 Sample Set Recorded At             Interval Volatility Heartbeat Volatility Sample Time Volatility Ping Volatility Connections Per Hour Connection Churn 
----------- ----------------------- ------------------- -------------------- ---------------------- --------------- -------------------- ---------------- 
    2491738 2018-12-07 10:35:06.069                 468                 4047                   2047              16                36477              267 
    2491743 2018-12-07 10:35:09.100               10391                 4016                   2407              16                39194               67 
    2486362 2018-12-07 08:46:17.425                9141                 2907                     48              94               192867              654 
    2486356 2018-12-07 08:46:11.284                6173                 2891                   1344              16                77974              654 
    2487646 2018-12-07 09:12:38.526               16999                 2579                   5968            2469                23213              295 
    2491563 2018-12-07 10:31:34.628                  16                 2578                    625              16                31640              210 
    2506286 2018-12-07 15:29:10.528                6813                 2531                   1156             579                73851              287 
    2495142 2018-12-07 11:43:12.154                2546                 2485                     31             516                65991              230 
    2502128 2018-12-07 14:05:41.531               15109                 2437                   8124              15                25536              356 
    2502138 2018-12-07 14:05:46.938               19827                 2406                   5171              16               137155              413 

-- Example 2 : Top 10 connection churn.

-- The sample_set_number BETWEEN predicate specifies a continuous range of successful
--   Foxhound samples, with no "Sampling stopped" or other gaps.

-- Note: This example doesn't SELECT all the columns in connrate.

-- Note: Connection Rate is hourly, whereas Connection Churn is measured for one sample interval.

       CAST ( connrate.this_sample_set_number AS INTEGER )   AS "Sample Set",
       connrate.this_sample_recorded_at                      AS "Recorded At",
       CAST ( connrate.interval_volatility AS INTEGER )      AS "Interval Volatility",
       CAST ( connrate.heartbeat_volatility AS INTEGER )     AS "Heartbeat Volatility",
       CAST ( connrate.sample_time_volatility AS INTEGER )   AS "Sample Time Volatility",
       CAST ( connrate.ping_volatility AS INTEGER )          AS "Ping Volatility",
       CAST ( connrate.client_connection_rate AS INTEGER )   AS "Connections Per Hour",
       CAST ( connrate.connection_churn AS INTEGER )         AS "Connection Churn" 
  FROM connrate 
 WHERE connrate.sampling_id            = 3 
   AND connrate.this_sample_set_number BETWEEN 2481232 AND 2507618  
 ORDER BY "Connection Churn" DESC;

 Sample Set Recorded At             Interval Volatility Heartbeat Volatility Sample Time Volatility Ping Volatility Connections Per Hour Connection Churn 
----------- ----------------------- ------------------- -------------------- ---------------------- --------------- -------------------- ---------------- 
    2484787 2018-12-07 08:14:06.662                 437                    0                     47              16               204359             1146 
    2487124 2018-12-07 09:01:51.548                2359                   16                    688              16               171773             1090 
    2483301 2018-12-07 07:43:21.009                 500                    0                     46               0               201502             1087 
    2506421 2018-12-07 15:31:52.655                1031                   15                   1031               1               241067             1084 
    2483309 2018-12-07 07:43:31.619                 891                    0                      0               1               180508             1057 
    2483406 2018-12-07 07:45:32.620                1688                  672                    157             563               149429             1031 
    2500085 2018-12-07 13:23:47.369                6563                    0                   2954               1               136770             1007 
    2496220 2018-12-07 12:04:43.361                 187                  313                     47              15               171675              994 
    2504826 2018-12-07 14:59:36.814                 422                   94                   1484             890               167595              966 
    2501625 2018-12-07 13:55:10.163                3406                  391                     47               0               207559              964 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Sample details selected by exact primary key values
-- Samples selected by these [sampling_id,sample_set_number] key pairs shown at the top
-- of the Samples and Messages section of the Sample History page:
--    [1,438407]
--    [1,438406]
--    [1,1497]
--    [1,89]
--    [1,88]

SELECT sample_detail.*
  FROM sample_detail
 WHERE sample_detail.sampling_id = 1
   AND sample_detail.sample_set_number IN ( 88, 89, 1497, 438406, 438407 )
 ORDER BY sample_detail.sample_set_number DESC;

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Sample header, details and connections selected by exact primary key values
-- Samples selected by these [sampling_id,sample_set_number] key pairs shown at the top
-- of the Samples and Messages section of the Sample History page:
--    [1,438407]
--    [1,438406]
--    [1,1497]
--    [1,89]
--    [1,88]

SELECT IF sampling_options.selected_tab = 1 
          THEN 'DSN' 
          ELSE 'String' 
       END IF AS connection_type,
       sampling_options.selected_name AS target_database,
       '     HEADER:',
       '     DETAIL:',
       '     CONNECTION:',
  FROM sampling_options
       INNER JOIN sample_header
       ON sample_header.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id
       INNER JOIN sample_detail
       ON sample_detail.sample_set_number = sample_header.sample_set_number
       LEFT OUTER JOIN sample_connection
       ON sample_connection.sample_set_number = sample_detail.sample_set_number
 WHERE sample_header.sampling_id = 1
   AND sample_header.sample_set_number IN ( 88, 89, 1497, 438406, 438407 )
 ORDER BY sample_header.sample_set_number DESC,

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Sample sessions for all target databases
SELECT CAST ( rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis ( STRING ( 
                 ' - ', 
                 IF sampling_options.selected_tab = '1'
                    THEN ' (DSN)' 
                    ELSE ''
                 END IF ),
                 'center' ) 
              AS VARCHAR ( 40 ) )   AS "Target Database",
       sampling_should_be_running   AS "Sampling Should Be Running", 
       CAST ( rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis ( 
                 'right' )
              AS VARCHAR ( 40 ) )   AS "Connection Status Message",
       last_sample_finished_at      AS "Last Sample At"
  FROM sampling_options
 ORDER BY sampling_options.sampling_id;

Target Database                          Sampling Should Be Running Connection Status Message                Last Sample At          
---------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------- 
1 - Accounting (DSN)                     Y                          Sampling OK                              2018-12-08 09:36:47.384 
2 - Payroll (DSN)                        Y                          Sampling OK                              2018-12-08 09:36:47.636 
3 - Receiving (DSN)                      Y                          Sampling OK                              2018-12-08 09:36:47.804 
4 - Shipping (DSN)                       Y                          Sampling OK                              2018-12-08 09:36:53.107 
5 - inventory17 (offline)                N                          (offline)                                2018-12-08 09:33:17.938 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Selected columns from the most recent purge runs
       rroad_f_number_with_commas ( 
          purge_run.run_number )                    AS "Run Number", 
       DATEFORMAT ( 
         'YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS' )                    AS "Started",
       rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( 
          purge_run.elapsed_msec )                  AS "Run Time",
       STRING ( purge_run.progress, 
          ' / ', purge_run.status )                 AS "Progress / Status", 
       rroad_f_number_with_commas ( 
          + purge_run.deleted_sample_detail
          + purge_run.deleted_sample_connection
          + purge_run.deleted_ping_log
          + purge_run.deleted_exception
          + purge_run.deleted_exception_dump
          + purge_run.deleted_purge_run
          + purge_run.deleted_alert
          + purge_run.deleted_all_clear
          + purge_run.deleted_alert_cancelled
          + purge_run.deleted_email_failure
          + purge_run.deleted_autodropped_connection 
          + purge_run.deleted_server_message 
          + purge_run.deleted_long_varchar )        AS "Rows Deleted",
       IF purge_run.is_complete = 'Y' 
          THEN DATEFORMAT ( 
                  'YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS' )
          ELSE '-'
       ENDIF                                        AS "Deleted Up To",
       rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( 
          * purge_run.foxhound_page_size )          AS "File",
       IF purge_run.foxhound_file_size <= 0 
          THEN ''
          ELSE STRING (
             CAST ( ROUND ( CAST ( purge_run.foxhound_free_pages AS DECIMAL ( 30, 2 ) ) 
                          / CAST ( purge_run.foxhound_file_size  AS DECIMAL ( 30, 2 ) ) * 100.0, 0 ) AS BIGINT ),
             '%' )
       END IF                                       AS "Free",
       rroad_f_number_with_commas ( 
          purge_run.foxhound_fragments )            AS "Frags"
  FROM purge_run
 ORDER BY purge_run.run_number DESC;

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Server and database averages
SELECT CAST ( AVG ( interval_msec / 1000.0 )         AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) ) AS "Interval sec",
       CAST ( AVG ( sample_elapsed_msec )            AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) ) AS "Sample msec",
       CAST ( AVG ( canarian_query_elapsed_msec )    AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) ) AS "Heartbeat msec",
       CAST ( AVG ( ActiveReq )                      AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) ) AS "ActiveReq",
       CAST ( AVG ( UnschReq )                       AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) ) AS "UnschReq",
       CAST ( AVG ( ConnCount )                      AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) ) AS "Conns",
       CAST ( AVG ( executing_connection_count )     AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) ) AS "Executing",
       CAST ( AVG ( idle_connection_count )          AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) ) AS "Idle",
       CAST ( AVG ( waiting_connection_count )       AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) ) AS "Waiting",
       CAST ( AVG ( total_blocked_connection_count ) AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) ) AS "Blocked" 
      FROM sample_detail
     WHERE sample_detail.sample_recorded_at 
              BETWEEN '2019-11-05 1:02:56 PM' AND '2019-11-06 4:09:50 AM' -- EDIT THIS
       AND sample_detail.sampling_id = 1                                  -- EDIT THIS
       AND sample_detail.interval_msec > 0
       AND sample_detail.sample_lost = 'N';

SELECT CAST ( AVG ( 1000.0 * ( interval_Req ) 
                       / sample_detail.interval_msec )  
                       AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) )                       AS "Req/s",
       CAST ( AVG ( 1000.0 * ( interval_Commit )  
                       / sample_detail.interval_msec )  
                       AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) )                       AS "Commits/s",
       CAST ( AVG ( 1000.0 * ( ( interval_BytesReceived  
                       + interval_BytesSent )  
                       / sample_detail.page_size )  
                       / sample_detail.interval_msec )  
                       AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) )                       AS "Bytes k/s",
       CAST ( AVG ( total_waiting_time )  
                       AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) )                       AS "Total Waiting",
       CAST ( AVG ( interval_waiting_time )  
                       AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) )                       AS "Interval Waiting",
       CAST ( AVG ( 1000.0 * ( interval_DiskRead  
                       + interval_DiskWrite )  
                       / sample_detail.interval_msec )  
                       AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) )                       AS "DiskIO/s",
       CAST ( AVG ( interval_FullCompare )  
                       AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) ) AS "FullCompare",
       CAST ( AVG ( 1000.0 * ( interval_IndAdd + interval_IndLookup )  
                       / sample_detail.interval_msec )  
                       AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) )                       AS "IndexIO/s",
       CAST ( AVG ( 1000.0 * ( interval_LogWrite )  
                       / sample_detail.interval_msec )  
                       AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) )                       AS "LogIO/s",
       CAST ( AVG ( ROUND ( sample_detail.interval_ProcessCPU  
                            * 1000.0
                            / ( sample_detail.interval_msec  
                            * CAST ( sample_detail.CPU_count  
                                        AS DECIMAL ( 30, 6 ) ) )
                            * 100.0,
                            1 ) )
                       AS DECIMAL ( 10, 2 ) )                       AS "CPU %"
      FROM sample_detail
     WHERE sample_detail.sample_recorded_at 
              BETWEEN '2019-11-05 1:02:56 PM' AND '2019-11-06 4:09:50 AM' -- EDIT THIS
       AND sample_detail.sampling_id = 1                                  -- EDIT THIS
       AND sample_detail.interval_msec > 0
       AND sample_detail.sample_lost = 'N';

Interval sec  Sample msec Heartbeat msec    ActiveReq     UnschReq        Conns    Executing         Idle      Waiting      Blocked 
------------ ------------ -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 
        9.90       770.05           8.55         1.59         0.13       100.51         2.46       100.08         0.01         0.00 

       Req/s    Commits/s    Bytes k/s Total Waiting Interval Waiting     DiskIO/s  FullCompare    IndexIO/s      LogIO/s        CPU % 
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 
      351.79         6.27        45.37        179.39             0.11         3.91         0.00       935.39         0.00        13.53 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Server Messages and Alerts for High Availability and Read-Only Scale-Out Targets
-- Specify the sampling_id values for at least the partner 1 and partner 2 databases in the WHERE clause;
-- the arbiter and copy databases are optional:
--    WHERE HA_messages.sampling_id IN ( 7, 8, 9, 10 ) -- arbiter, partner 1, partner 2, copy targets

-- Suggestion: Use Foxhound sampling sessions that are directly connected to the partner 1 and 
--             partner 2 databases, rather than to the primary and secondary (mirror) databases,  
--             because that will make the output easier to read. 
--             I.e., the server column will continue to match the physical server while the  
--             disposition column will show how the roles change after failovers.

-- Note: The disposition and server columns are sometimes empty because of limitations in Foxhound.

-- Caution: This query WILL NOT WORK PROPERLY if any of the target databases are running on the same
--          SQL Anywhere server. It WILL work properly if the SQL Anywhere servers are running on 
--          the same computer, as long as the databases are on different SQL Anywhere servers.
--          However, different computers are recommended in production, for maximum availability.

WITH HA_messages AS
( SELECT CAST ( server_message.sampling_id AS INTEGER )         AS sampling_id,
         CAST ( server_message.locator_number AS INTEGER )      AS locator,
         server_message.msg_id                                  AS msg_id,
         server_message.msg_time                                AS msg_time,
         LEFT ( sampling_options.selected_name, 15 )            AS target,
         COALESCE ( CASE
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState = '' 
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'On'   THEN '' -- non-HA read-only
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState = ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'Off'  THEN '' -- updatable or arbiter
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState <> ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'On'  
             AND sample_detail.ArbiterState = ''  
             AND sample_detail.PartnerState = '' THEN 'Copy' 
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState <> ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'On'   THEN 'Secondary' 
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState <> ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'Off'  THEN 'Primary'
            ELSE '' 
         END CASE, '' )                                         AS disposition,
         LEFT ( COALESCE ( sample_detail.ServerName, '' ), 15 ) AS server,
         LEFT ( IF server_message.msg_severity = 'INFO'
                   THEN '      INFO'
                   ELSE server_message.msg_severity  
                END IF, 10 )                                    AS severity,
         LEFT ( LTRIM ( server_message.msg_text ), 120 )        AS msg_text 
    FROM server_message
            INNER JOIN sampling_options
                    ON sampling_options.sampling_id = server_message.sampling_id
            LEFT OUTER JOIN sample_detail
                         ON sample_detail.sample_set_number = server_message.locator_number
   WHERE server_message.msg_category NOT IN ( 'CHKPT' )
     AND (    server_message.msg_text LIKE '%mirror%'                     -- language EN
           OR server_message.msg_text LIKE '%Database server started at%' -- language EN
           OR server_message.msg_text LIKE '%Database%started as%'        -- language EN
           OR server_message.msg_text LIKE '%Starting database%'          -- language EN
           OR server_message.msg_severity IN ( 'ERR', 'WARN' )
  SELECT CAST ( alert.sampling_id AS INTEGER )                  AS sampling_id,
         CAST ( alert.alert_occurrence AS INTEGER )             AS locator,
         CAST ( 0 AS UNSIGNED BIGINT )                          AS msg_id,
         alert.alert_in_effect_at                               AS msg_time,
         LEFT ( sampling_options.selected_name, 15 )            AS target,
         COALESCE ( CASE
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState = '' 
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'On'   THEN '' -- non-HA read-only
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState = ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'Off'  THEN '' -- updatable or arbiter
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState <> ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'On'  
             AND sample_detail.ArbiterState = ''  
             AND sample_detail.PartnerState = '' THEN 'Copy' 
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState <> ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'On'   THEN 'Secondary' 
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState <> ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'Off'  THEN 'Primary'
            ELSE '' 
         END CASE, '' )                                         AS disposition,
         LEFT ( COALESCE ( sample_detail.ServerName, '' ), 15 ) AS server,
         IF alert.alert_is_clear_or_cancelled = 'Y'
            THEN '[Alert]' 
            ELSE 'Alert'
         END IF                                                 AS severity,
         LEFT ( LTRIM ( STRING ( '#', alert.alert_number, ' ',
                                 alert_title.alert_title ) ), 
                        120 )                                   AS msg_text 
    FROM alert
            INNER JOIN alert_title
                    ON alert_title.alert_number = alert.alert_number
            INNER JOIN sampling_options
                    ON sampling_options.sampling_id = alert.sampling_id
            LEFT OUTER JOIN sample_detail
                         ON sample_detail.sample_set_number = alert.sample_set_number
  SELECT CAST ( all_clear.sampling_id AS INTEGER )              AS sampling_id,
         CAST ( all_clear.all_clear_occurrence AS INTEGER )     AS locator,
         CAST ( 0 AS UNSIGNED BIGINT )                          AS msg_id,
         all_clear.alert_all_clear_at                           AS msg_time,
         LEFT ( sampling_options.selected_name, 15 )            AS target,
         COALESCE ( CASE
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState = '' 
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'On'   THEN '' -- non-HA read-only
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState = ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'Off'  THEN '' -- updatable or arbiter
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState <> ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'On'  
             AND sample_detail.ArbiterState = ''  
             AND sample_detail.PartnerState = '' THEN 'Copy' 
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState <> ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'On'   THEN 'Secondary' 
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState <> ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'Off'  THEN 'Primary'
            ELSE '' 
         END CASE, '' )                                         AS disposition,
         LEFT ( COALESCE ( sample_detail.ServerName, '' ), 15 ) AS server,
         'All Clear'                                            AS severity,
         LEFT ( LTRIM ( STRING ( '#', all_clear.alert_number, ' ',
                                 alert_title.alert_title ) ), 
                        120 )                                   AS msg_text 
    FROM all_clear
            INNER JOIN alert_title
                    ON alert_title.alert_number = all_clear.alert_number
            INNER JOIN sampling_options
                    ON sampling_options.sampling_id = all_clear.sampling_id
            LEFT OUTER JOIN sample_detail
                         ON sample_detail.sample_set_number = all_clear.sample_set_number
  SELECT CAST ( alert_cancelled.sampling_id AS INTEGER )        AS sampling_id,
         CAST ( alert_cancelled.alert_cancelled_occurrence AS INTEGER )     AS locator,
         CAST ( 0 AS UNSIGNED BIGINT )                          AS msg_id,
         alert_cancelled.alert_all_clear_at                     AS msg_time,
         LEFT ( sampling_options.selected_name, 15 )            AS target,
         COALESCE ( CASE
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState = '' 
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'On'   THEN '' -- non-HA read-only
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState = ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'Off'  THEN '' -- updatable or arbiter
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState <> ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'On'  
             AND sample_detail.ArbiterState = ''  
             AND sample_detail.PartnerState = '' THEN 'Copy' 
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState <> ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'On'   THEN 'Secondary' 
            WHEN sample_detail.MirrorState <> ''  
             AND sample_detail.ReadOnly = 'Off'  THEN 'Primary'
            ELSE '' 
         END CASE, '' )                                         AS disposition,
         LEFT ( COALESCE ( sample_detail.ServerName, '' ), 15 ) AS server,
         'Cancelled'                                            AS severity,
         LEFT ( LTRIM ( STRING ( '#', alert_cancelled.alert_number, ' ',
                                 alert_title.alert_title ) ), 
                        120 )                                   AS msg_text 
    FROM alert_cancelled
            INNER JOIN alert_title
                    ON alert_title.alert_number = alert_cancelled.alert_number
            INNER JOIN sampling_options
                    ON sampling_options.sampling_id = alert_cancelled.sampling_id
            LEFT OUTER JOIN sample_detail
                         ON sample_detail.sample_set_number = alert_cancelled.sample_set_number
SELECT CAST ( STRING ( HA_messages.sampling_id, ',',
                       HA_messages.locator, ',', 
                       HA_messages.msg_id )
              AS VARCHAR ( 32 ) )             AS "sampling_id,locator,msg_id",
  FROM HA_messages
 WHERE HA_messages.sampling_id IN ( 45, 46 )            -- e.g., HA primary and secondary (mirror)
   AND HA_messages.msg_time >= '2020-01-01 2:43:47 PM'  -- optional starting point for query	
 ORDER BY HA_messages.msg_time DESC, -- same order as Monitor and History pages
       HA_messages.msg_id DESC,
       HA_messages.sampling_id DESC,
       HA_messages.locator DESC;

-- An HA failover as viewed by the logical primary and secondary (mirror) servers...
-- (the partner1 server stopped while it was running as the primary).

 WHERE HA_messages.sampling_id IN ( 45, 46 )            -- e.g., HA primary and secondary (mirror)

sampling_id,locator,msg_id msg_time                target          disposition server          severity   msg_text
-------------------------- ----------------------- --------------- ----------- --------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
46,36954,0                 2020-01-01 14:45:29.926 secondary_demo  Primary     partner2_server All Clear  #31 Database updatable
45,36779,0                 2020-01-01 14:44:03.875 primary_demo    Primary     partner2_server Alert      #11 ServerName change
45,36778,0                 2020-01-01 14:44:03.875 primary_demo    Primary     partner2_server Alert      #10 Partner unreachable
46,36776,59                2020-01-01 14:43:53.591 secondary_demo  Primary     partner2_server       INFO Database "ddd" mirroring:  connected to child node "copy_server"
45,36777,59                2020-01-01 14:43:53.591 primary_demo    Primary     partner2_server       INFO Database "ddd" mirroring:  connected to child node "copy_server"
46,36752,0                 2020-01-01 14:43:50.754 secondary_demo  Primary     partner2_server [Alert]    #31 Database updatable
46,36751,0                 2020-01-01 14:43:50.754 secondary_demo  Primary     partner2_server Alert      #10 Partner unreachable
46,36750,58                2020-01-01 14:43:50.632 secondary_demo  Primary     partner2_server       INFO Database "ddd" mirroring:  now running as primary server
45,36753,58                2020-01-01 14:43:50.632 primary_demo                                      INFO Database "ddd" mirroring:  now running as primary server
46,36750,51                2020-01-01 14:43:49.778 secondary_demo  Primary     partner2_server       INFO Database "ddd" mirroring:  becoming primary server
45,36753,51                2020-01-01 14:43:49.778 primary_demo                                      INFO Database "ddd" mirroring:  becoming primary server
46,36750,50                2020-01-01 14:43:49.778 secondary_demo  Primary     partner2_server       INFO Database "ddd" mirroring:  disconnected from partner "partner1_server"
45,36753,50                2020-01-01 14:43:49.778 primary_demo                                      INFO Database "ddd" mirroring:  disconnected from partner "partner1_server"

-- The same HA failover as viewed by the real partner1 and partner2 servers...
-- (the partner1 server stopped while it was running as the primary).

 WHERE HA_messages.sampling_id IN ( 43, 44 )            -- e.g., HA partner1 and partner2
sampling_id,locator,msg_id msg_time                target          disposition server          severity   msg_text 
-------------------------- ----------------------- --------------- ----------- --------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
44,36973,0                 2020-01-01 14:45:36.511 partner2_demo   Primary     partner2_server All Clear  #31 Database updatable
43,36881,0                 2020-01-01 14:44:50.883 partner1_demo   Primary     partner1_server Alert      #1 Database unresponsive  
44,36768,0                 2020-01-01 14:43:57.584 partner2_demo   Primary     partner2_server [Alert]    #31 Database updatable 
44,36767,0                 2020-01-01 14:43:57.584 partner2_demo   Primary     partner2_server Alert      #10 Partner unreachable
44,36764,59                2020-01-01 14:43:53.591 partner2_demo   Primary     partner2_server       INFO Database "ddd" mirroring:  connected to child node "copy_server" 
44,36764,58                2020-01-01 14:43:50.632 partner2_demo   Primary     partner2_server       INFO Database "ddd" mirroring:  now running as primary server 
44,36764,51                2020-01-01 14:43:49.778 partner2_demo   Primary     partner2_server       INFO Database "ddd" mirroring:  becoming primary server 
44,36764,50                2020-01-01 14:43:49.778 partner2_demo   Primary     partner2_server       INFO Database "ddd" mirroring:  disconnected from partner "partner1_server"

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Show correlation between Alerts and Intra-Query Parallelism
-- The LATERAL join selects the most recent successful sample that precedes each Alert.
-- The final WHERE clause limits the result set to samples that use 
-- Intra-Query Parallelism; i.e., sample_detail.total_child_connection_count > 0.

       CAST ( rroad_f_limit_string_length_with_ellipsis ( STRING ( 
                 ' - ', 
                 IF sampling_options.selected_tab = '1'
                    THEN ' (DSN)' 
                    ELSE ''
                 END IF ),
                 'right' ) 
              AS VARCHAR ( 50 ) )                            AS "Target Database",
       CAST ( STRING ( alert.alert_number,  
              ' ',  
              alert_title.alert_title ) AS VARCHAR ( 24 ) )  AS "Alert",
       CAST ( alert.alert_occurrence AS INTEGER )            AS "Go to Alert",
       CAST ( sample_detail.sample_set_number AS INTEGER )   AS "Go to Sample",
       sample_detail.total_child_connection_count            AS "Child Connections",
       CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent 
              AS DECIMAL ( 6, 1 ) )                          AS "CPU %"
  FROM sampling_options,
                   FROM sample_detail
                  WHERE sample_detail.sample_lost                  = 'N'
                    AND sample_detail.sampling_id                  = alert.sampling_id
                    AND sample_detail.sample_set_number            < alert.alert_occurrence 
                  ORDER BY sample_detail.sample_set_number DESC
               ) AS sample_detail
 WHERE alert.sampling_id                          = sampling_options.sampling_id
   AND alert.alert_number                         = alert_title.alert_number
   AND sample_detail.total_child_connection_count > 0
 ORDER BY alert.alert_occurrence DESC;

Target Database                                    Alert                    Go to Alert Go to Sample Child Connections    CPU % 
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------- ------------ ----------------- -------- 
6 - Inventory (DSN)                                19 Cache size                1708345      1708344                 1     11.2 
5 - Inventory                                      14 Unscheduled requests      1688769      1688768                 6     45.6 
5 - Inventory                                      14 Unscheduled requests      1688698      1688697                10     37.8 
5 - Inventory                                      4 CPU usage                  1688669      1688668                 4     50.3 
5 - Inventory                                      27 Connection CPU            1688651      1688650                 4     42.8 
5 - Inventory                                      4 CPU usage                  1688649      1688648                 4     50.8 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Some AND all the connection data for one connection
-- The connection_id_string is displayed on the Connection History page. It is an 
-- artificial identifier constructed by Foxhound to uniquely identify each target 
-- connection within the entire Foxhound database.
-- Note that it is perfectly OK to place some columns at the front of the SELECT list and 
-- then select all of the columns again (sample_connection.*) in case you need to look at them.

SELECT sample_detail.sample_recorded_at,    -- some columns
       sample_connection.*                  -- all columns
  FROM sample_connection
          INNER JOIN sample_detail
                  ON sample_detail.sample_set_number = sample_connection.sample_set_number
 WHERE sample_connection.connection_id_string = '1-1-20181208092415-003'
 ORDER BY sample_connection.sample_set_number DESC;

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Some AND all the connection data for one connection, up to and including a specific sample timestamp
-- The connection_id_string is displayed on the Connection History page. It is an 
-- artificial identifier constructed by Foxhound to uniquely identify each target 
-- connection within the entire Foxhound database.
-- Note that it is perfectly OK to place some columns at the front of the SELECT list and 
-- then select all of the columns again (sample_connection.*) in case you need to look at them.

SELECT sample_detail.sample_recorded_at,    -- some columns
       sample_connection.*                  -- all columns
  FROM sample_connection
          INNER JOIN sample_detail
                  ON sample_detail.sample_set_number = sample_connection.sample_set_number
 WHERE sample_connection.connection_id_string = '1-1-20181208092415-003'
   AND sample_detail.sample_recorded_at <= '2018-12-08 12:48:49.906' 
 ORDER BY sample_connection.sample_set_number DESC;

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Study three successive samples
-- Sometimes it may be difficult pinpoint the exact Foxhound sample that contains data relevant to
-- a performance problem. For example, in the case of a long interval between Foxhound samples, 
-- high connection-level CPU usage may show up in the sample before or after the sample with the long interval.

-- The WITH triple view shows how a WINDOW BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 FOLLOWING together with the FIRST_VALUE() 
-- and LAST_VALUE() functions may be used to gather data from three successive samples: first, mid, last.

-- In this case the WITH triple view gathers three interval_sec values and three interval_CPU_percent values
-- together with the three sample_set_number values... but you can pick different columns.

-- The outer SELECT extends the example by limiting the query to long Foxhound intervals (triple.mid_int >= 15000).
-- It also uses an INNER JOIN to find connections using a lot of CPU (sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent >= 5.0).
-- Again, you can pick different columns; the basic technique is to use a WINDOW to gather samples in sets of three,
-- then use an OUTER SELECT to study the data in those three samples.

triple AS
SELECT sample_detail.sampling_id,
       CAST ( FIRST_VALUE ( sample_detail.sample_set_number )    OVER three_rows AS DECIMAL ( 9 ) ) AS first_samp,
       CAST ( sample_detail.sample_set_number                                    AS DECIMAL ( 9 ) ) AS mid_samp,
       CAST ( LAST_VALUE ( sample_detail.sample_set_number )     OVER three_rows AS DECIMAL ( 9 ) ) AS last_samp,
       CAST ( FIRST_VALUE ( sample_detail.interval_msec )        OVER three_rows AS DECIMAL ( 9 ) ) AS first_int,
       CAST ( sample_detail.interval_msec                                        AS DECIMAL ( 9 ) ) AS mid_int,
       CAST ( LAST_VALUE ( sample_detail.interval_msec )         OVER three_rows AS DECIMAL ( 9 ) ) AS last_int,
       CAST ( FIRST_VALUE ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent ) OVER three_rows AS DECIMAL ( 5 ) ) AS first_CPU,
       CAST ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent                                 AS DECIMAL ( 5 ) ) AS mid_CPU,
       CAST ( LAST_VALUE ( sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent )  OVER three_rows AS DECIMAL ( 5 ) ) AS last_CPU 
  FROM sample_detail
 WHERE sample_detail.sample_lost = 'N'
WINDOW three_rows AS ( ORDER BY sample_detail.sample_recorded_at ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 FOLLOWING )
 ORDER BY sample_detail.sample_recorded_at ASC
       CAST ( sample_connection.connection_number    AS DECIMAL ( 10 ) )    AS "Conn #",
       CAST ( sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent AS DECIMAL ( 5 ) )     AS "Conn CPU",
       CAST ( LEFT ( sample_connection.userid, 15 )  AS VARCHAR ( 15 ) )    AS "User",
  FROM triple
          INNER JOIN ( SELECT *
                         FROM sample_connection
                        WHERE sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent >= 5.0 
                          AND sample_connection.connection_number BETWEEN 1 AND 999999999
                     ) AS sample_connection
             ON sample_connection.sample_set_number IN ( triple.first_samp, triple.mid_samp, triple.last_samp )
 WHERE triple.sampling_id = 3     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
   AND triple.mid_int     >= 15000

-- Note: Successive sample_set_numbers are often not contiguous because the missing (intervening) values are 
--       used for other target databases (different values of sampling_id).

      Conn # Conn CPU User            sampling_id  first_samp    mid_samp   last_samp   first_int     mid_int    last_int first_CPU mid_CPU last_CPU 
------------ -------- --------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- --------- ------- -------- 
     8839201       13 DBA                       3     2289684     2289692     2289701        9875       15501        5265        27      23       19 
     1337447       13 a.Fernandez               3     2495586     2495597     2495599        8875       16235        3672        28      24       43 
     1207731       13 d.Rodriguez               3     2486345     2486356     2486362        9109       15282        6141        21      22       33 
     1279629       12 j.Garcia                  3     2495586     2495597     2495599        8875       16235        3672        28      24       43 
     1249806       12 m.Sanchez                 3     2488806     2488818     2488823        9344       17219        2735        23      16       23 
     1328308       12 e.Perez                   3     2499412     2499423     2499430        5563       16875        3250        19      20       27 
     8959927       12 m.Sanchez                 3     2298225     2298233     2298246        8656       15391       11047        33      27       30 
     1457194       12 ACCTadmin                 3     2502434     2502445     2502454        2937       17594       21000        32      24       20 
     1457194       12 ACCTadmin                 3     2502416     2502431     2502434        9609       17798        2937        40      25       32 
      669685       12 f.Jones                   3     2434928     2434939     2434946        8828       17703        3500        46      31       34 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Sudden impact connections
-- A sudden impact connection starts using a very high level of CPU as soon as it connects.
-- This query looks for the highest sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent values in the same samples the connections started.

       STRING ( 
          ' / ',
          IF TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.Userid, '' ) ) = ''
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.Userid
          ' / ',
          IF TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.OSUser, '' ) ) = ''
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.OSUser
          ' / ',
          IF TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.NodeAddress, '' ) ) IN ( '', 'NA' )
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.NodeAddress
          ' / ',
          IF COALESCE ( sample_connection.Name, '' ) = ''
             THEN '-'
             ELSE sample_connection.Name
          ENDIF )                                      AS "Conn #, User, OS User, IP, Name",
       sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent          AS interval_cpu_percent,
       sample_connection.LastStatement                 AS LastStatement
  FROM sample_connection
       INNER JOIN sample_detail
               ON sample_detail.sample_set_number = sample_connection.sample_set_number
 WHERE sample_connection.ReqStatus = 'Executing'      -- this connection is busy
   AND sample_connection.time_connected               -- this connection started at some point after the previous sample was recorded
     < COALESCE ( sample_detail.interval_msec, 0 )
   AND sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent > 0.0   -- this connection had an immediate impact
   AND TRIM ( COALESCE ( sample_connection.LastStatement, '' ) ) <> ''
 ORDER BY sample_connection.interval_cpu_percent DESC,
       sample_connection.sample_set_number ASC;

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Temporary file high tide
-- The WITH max_temp view calculates the maximum size of the temporary file for each
-- instance (start time) of the SQL Anywhere server.

max_temp AS
SELECT sample_detail.sampling_id,
       sample_detail.StartTime            AS "max_StartTime",
       MAX ( sample_detail.tempFileSize ) AS "max_tempFilePages"
  FROM sample_detail 
 WHERE sample_detail.sample_lost = 'N'
 GROUP BY sample_detail.sampling_id,
SELECT CAST ( DATEFORMAT ( sample_detail.StartTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss' ) AS VARCHAR ( 20 ) )                    AS "Server Start At",
       CAST ( DATEFORMAT ( MIN ( sample_detail.sample_recorded_at ), 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss' ) AS VARCHAR ( 20 ) )   AS "High Tide At",
       CAST ( max_temp."max_tempFilePages" AS DECIMAL ( 11 ) )                                                     AS "Temp File Pages",
       CAST ( rroad_f_bytes_as_kmg ( max_temp."max_tempFilePages" * sample_detail.page_size ) AS VARCHAR ( 14 ) )  AS "Temp File KMG"
  FROM sample_detail
          INNER JOIN max_temp
                  ON max_temp.sampling_id         = sample_detail.sampling_id
                 AND max_temp."max_StartTime"     = sample_detail.StartTime
                 AND max_temp."max_tempFilePages" = sample_detail.tempFileSize 
 WHERE sample_detail.sampling_id = 3     -- CHANGE THIS IF NECESSARY
   AND sample_detail.sample_lost = 'N'
 GROUP BY sample_detail.StartTime,  
 ORDER BY sample_detail.StartTime;

Server Start At      High Tide At         Temp File Pages Temp File KMG  
-------------------- -------------------- --------------- -------------- 
2018-11-11 07:40:08  2018-12-03 11:43:51            28417 888M           
2018-12-05 04:12:38  2018-12-05 09:39:16            21337 667M   

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Unpivot (normalize) sample_connection.flags_set into flag_number and flag_title columns.
-- The WITH normalized_sample_connection creates a new view with two more columns than the original sample_connection view.
-- Note that rows in sample_connection will be missing from the new view if the flags_set column is filled with zeros.
normalized_sample_connection AS
    -- The LEFT ( REPLACE ( REPLACE turns a VARBIT ( 30 ) string 0101... into a VARCHAR ( 59 ) string 0,1,0,1,...
    -- The sa_split_list changes the comma-delimited string into result set.
    -- The LATERAL join expands each sample_connection row with one or more non-zero flags_set characters.
    -- Note that sample_connection rows with all zeros in flags_set will NOT be included in the result set.
SELECT sample_connection.*,
  FROM sample_connection,
       LATERAL ( SELECT line_num  AS flag_number,
                        row_value AS flag_set_0_1
                   FROM sa_split_list ( LEFT ( REPLACE ( REPLACE ( CAST ( sample_connection.flags_set AS VARCHAR ( 30 ) ), 
                                                                   '0,' ), 
                                                         '1,' ), 
                                               59 ) )
               ) AS flags_set,
 WHERE flags_set.flag_set_0_1 = '1'
   AND flags_set.flag_number = flag_title.flag_number
SELECT normalized_sample_connection.connection_id_string, 
  FROM normalized_sample_connection
 WHERE normalized_sample_connection.sample_set_number = 408060
   AND normalized_sample_connection.connection_number = 32 
 ORDER BY normalized_sample_connection.connection_id_string, 

connection_id_string                               flag_number flag_title                                         
-------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------- 
2-32-20190520153639-985                                      4 Temp space usage                                   
2-32-20190520153639-985                                      6 Locks                                              
2-32-20190520153639-985                                      8 Uncommitted operations                             
2-32-20190520153639-985                                     13 Disk write rate                                    
2-32-20190520153639-985                                     20 OS user usage                                      
2-32-20190520153639-985                                     22 Connection name usage                              
2-32-20190520153639-985                                     25 Total disk reads                                   
2-32-20190520153639-985                                     26 Total disk writes                                  
2-32-20190520153639-985                                     28 Total index adds                                   

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries » 8.4 Examples of Adhoc Queries 
Very-high-CPU connection samples
-- Count connection-level samples with very high levels of CPU usage.
-- Copy and paste the "First Sample At" value into the "Go to:" field on the Sample History page
-- to scroll to first sample for the very-high-CPU connection. 

-- The high_conn view gathers data from qualifying individual connection-level samples,
-- and the outer SELECT groups the data for display.
high_conn AS
SELECT sampling_options.sampling_id                                                  AS "ID",
       DATEFORMAT ( sample_detail.sample_recorded_at, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.sss' )    AS "Conn Sample At",
       CAST ( sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent AS DECIMAL ( 5, 1 ) )           AS "Conn CPU %", 
       CAST ( sample_connection.connection_number AS DECIMAL ( 11 ) )                AS "Conn #", 
       CAST ( LEFT ( STRING ( sample_connection.Userid, 
                              ' - ', 
                              sample_connection.Name ), 25 ) AS VARCHAR ( 25 ) )     AS "User - Conn Name", 
          COALESCE ( sample_connection.LastStatement, '' ), 
          '\X0A', ' ' ), '\X0D', ' ' ), '\X09', ' ' ) ), 30 ) AS VARCHAR ( 30) )     AS "LastStatement"
  FROM sample_detail
       INNER JOIN sample_connection
               ON sample_connection.sample_set_number = sample_detail.sample_set_number
       INNER JOIN sampling_options
               ON sampling_options.sampling_id = sample_connection.sampling_id
 WHERE sample_connection.interval_CPU_percent > 90.0       -- include only very-high-CPU connection samples
   AND sample_detail.interval_msec            >= 5000      -- eliminate abnormally short sample intervals
   AND sample_connection.connection_number    < 1000000000 -- eliminate events, web services and internal connections
       CAST ( COUNT(*) AS DECIMAL ( 5 ) ) AS "Count",
       "Conn CPU %",
       MIN ( "Conn Sample At" ) AS "First Sample At",
       "Conn #",
       "User - Conn Name",
  FROM high_conn
 GROUP BY "Conn CPU %",
       "Conn #",
       "User - Conn Name",
       "Count" DESC,
       "ID" ASC,
       "Conn #" ASC;

  Count Conn CPU %         ID First Sample At                Conn # User - Conn Name          LastStatement                  
------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------ 
      7      100.0          5 2018-04-10 21:02:00.521         11494 DAugust - GEN_HistoryItem call generalHistItemsLoad(:brn 
      4      100.0          5 2018-04-09 20:31:01.684        128336 GHahnst - SQL_DBC_4d00ba8 Select Distinct AccountNumber 
      3      100.0          5 2018-05-11 21:23:24.448            48 JWellington - SQL_DBC_4af Select Distinct AccountNumber 
      3      100.0          5 2018-05-14 17:47:55.486         16977 JWellington - SQL_DBC_509 Select Distinct AccountNumber 
      3      100.0          5 2018-04-23 16:29:41.554        223432 JWellington - SQL_DBC_492 Select Distinct AccountNumber 

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries 
8.5 OFSS Connection String Names

The Foxhound adhoc view connection_string has been expanded to include three new OFSS columns:

-- CREATE VIEW dba.connection_string (
--    connection_string_name,   -- VARCHAR ( 128 )   
--    connection_string,        -- LONG VARCHAR   
--    OFSS_subject_uuid,        -- VARCHAR ( 36 )     *** NEW ***
--    OFSS_subject_name,        -- VARCHAR ( 80 )     *** NEW ***   
--    OFSS_subject_name_index ) -- INTEGER            *** NEW ***   

create VIEW connection_string AS SELECT * FROM rroad_connection_string

OFSS subject databases are identified by the suffix "(offline)" appended to the connection_string_name values. These rows do appear in the Monitor tab of the Foxhound Menu page, but not the String tab because they cannot be manually created or edited; they can only be added when OFSS samples are loaded via rroad_OFSS_load().

Here's what an OFSS subject database looks like in the Foxhound connection_string view:

  FROM connection_string
 WHERE connection_string_name LIKE '%(offline)'
 ORDER BY connection_string_name;

 connection_string_name,    connection_string,   OFSS_subject_uuid,                       OFSS_subject_name,  OFSS_subject_name_index
'inventory17a (offline)',  '(offline)',         '80dc1d72-292a-4639-8be7-dbf1d5cd7c2c',  'inventory17a',      1

The connection_string_name column is the primary key for the underlying rroad_connection_string table, and that's the value you see in these locations in Foxhound:

The OFSS_subject_name column contains the original subject_name value received in the input OFSS files for a particular OFSS subject database. The OFSS_subject_uuid values are unique, but not OFSS_subject_name, and duplicate values of OFSS_subject_name are assigned OFSS_subject_name_index values 1, 2, 3 which are used to create unique connection_string_name values.

For example, if three separate OFSS subject databases all have the same subject_name = 'inventory17a', here's what the Foxhound connection_string view looks like:

 connection_string_name,          connection_string,   OFSS_subject_uuid,                       OFSS_subject_name,  OFSS_subject_name_index
'inventory17a (offline)',        '(offline)',         '80dc1d72-292a-4639-8be7-dbf1d5cd7c2c',  'inventory17a',      1
'inventory17a (002) (offline)',  '(offline),          '06bffd58-425a-4094-9927-e4bfeaf3b114',  'inventory17a',      2
'inventory17a (003) (offline)',  '(offline)',         'd9593d27-7789-4c02-b475-d9de0578299b',  'inventory17a',      3

Note that you can change OFSS_settings.subject_name on your subject database, but if you wait until after sampling starts your change probably won't have any effect on what you see in Foxhound. That's because the original subject_name is stored in the first batch and used to create the connection_string_name when it reaches Foxhound.

The best way to change the subject_name is to edit and rerun the OFSS_1_setup.sql script on your subject database. That creates a new subject_uuid value which in turn forces the creation of a new sampling session (and connection_string_name) in Foxhound.

For example, here's where you can change the subject_name and unload_path in OFSS_1_setup.sql:

INSERT "{OWNER}".OFSS_settings (
   msg_id )
   UUIDTOSTR ( NEWID() ),                          -- unchangeable and unique across all instances of this client software
   LEFT ( DB_PROPERTY ( 'Name' ), 80 ),            -- UPDATE this to differentiate among multiple like-named OFSS subject databases
   'Y',                                            -- UPDATE this to 'N' to stop sampling
   'C:\\temp\\',                                   -- UPDATE this to specify a different output path
   'Y',                                            -- UPDATE this to 'N' to stop calling sa_server_messages()
   CAST ( PROPERTY ( 'StartTime' ) AS TIMESTAMP ), -- don't UPDATE this
   NULL );                                         -- don't UPDATE this

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries 
8.6 Recalculate Connection Flags

The rroad_recalculate_flags procedure was a last-minute addition to Foxhound Version 5. It lets you change the Connection Flag Settings on the Monitor Options page and then put those settings into effect for all the samples that have already been gathered.

There's no button or other GUI interface for this procedure yet, but you can call it directly from All Programs - Foxhound5 - 11 Admin Update via ISQL.

Administrative Note: You cannot use All Programs - Foxhound5 - 2 Adhoc Query via ISQL to call rroad_recalculate_flags().

That's because adhoc queries can be used in Read-Only mode when Administrator Authentication is in effect, and rroad_recalculate_flags() modifies the Foxhound database.

Here's an example of how to recalculate all the Connection Flags for a target database that has been assigned sampling_id = 2:

CALL rroad_recalculate_flags ( 2 );

This example recalculates the flags for all the target databases from sampling_id = 1 to 10:

CALL rroad_recalculate_flags ( 1, 10 );

This example recalculates the flags for all the target databases that exist, as well as writing progress messages to the Foxhound console and text file C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound5\foxhound5_debug.txt:

CALL rroad_recalculate_flags ( 1, 4294967295, 'Y' );

I. 06/22 08:10:45. 2019-06-22 08:10:45.468 Recalculation of connection flags started...
I. 06/22 08:10:45. 2019-06-22 08:10:45.483 Recalculation of connection flags for sampling_id 1 started...
I. 06/22 08:11:04. 2019-06-22 08:11:04.939 ...200000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:11:24. 2019-06-22 08:11:24.487 ...400000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:11:43. 2019-06-22 08:11:43.988 ...600000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:12:03. 2019-06-22 08:12:03.855 ...800000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:12:14. 2019-06-22 08:12:14.915 Recalculation of connection flags for sampling_id 2 started...
I. 06/22 08:12:23. 2019-06-22 08:12:23.337 ...1000000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:12:43. 2019-06-22 08:12:43.494 ...1200000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:13:02. 2019-06-22 08:13:02.397 ...1400000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:13:21. 2019-06-22 08:13:21.040 ...1600000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:13:39. 2019-06-22 08:13:39.051 ...1800000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:13:57. 2019-06-22 08:13:57.105 ...2000000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:14:15. 2019-06-22 08:14:15.032 ...2200000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:14:32. 2019-06-22 08:14:32.602 ...2400000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:14:50. 2019-06-22 08:14:50.237 ...2600000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:15:08. 2019-06-22 08:15:08.367 ...2800000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:15:26. 2019-06-22 08:15:26.454 ...3000000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:15:44. 2019-06-22 08:15:44.554 ...3200000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:16:02. 2019-06-22 08:16:02.902 ...3400000 connection flag row updates OK 
I. 06/22 08:16:11. 2019-06-22 08:16:11.878 ...3494989 connection flag row updates all OK 
I. 06/22 08:16:11. 2019-06-22 08:16:11.885 ...Recalculation of connection flags finished OK

Here is how to modify the first example to add progress messages:

CALL rroad_recalculate_flags ( 2, 2, 'Y' );

Here's how the parameters are declared:

CREATE PROCEDURE rroad_recalculate_flags (
   IN @input_from_sampling_id         UNSIGNED INTEGER,
   IN @input_to_sampling_id           UNSIGNED INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
   IN @send_messages_to_console       VARCHAR ( 1 ) DEFAULT 'N' )

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries 
8.7 Recalculate Peaks

The rroad_recalculate_peaks procedure was a last-minute addition to Foxhound Version 5. It lets you restore the values on the "Peaks since" row on the Monitor and History pages after you have used the Reset Peaks buttons to set old values to zero.

There's no button or other GUI interface for this procedure yet, but you can call it directly from All Programs - Foxhound5 - 11 Admin Update via ISQL.

Administrative Note: You cannot use All Programs - Foxhound5 - 2 Adhoc Query via ISQL to call rroad_recalculate_peaks().

That's because adhoc queries can be used in Read-Only mode when Administrator Authentication is in effect, and rroad_recalculate_peaks() modifies the Foxhound database.

Here's an example of how to recalculate all the Peaks values for a target database that has been assigned sampling_id = 2:

CALL rroad_recalculate_peaks ( 2 );

This example recalculates the peaks for all the target databases from sampling_id = 1 to 10:

CALL rroad_recalculate_peaks ( 1, 10 );

This example recalculates the peaks for all the target databases that exist, as well as writing progress messages to the Foxhound console and text file C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound5\foxhound5_debug.txt:

CALL rroad_recalculate_peaks ( 1, 4294967295, 'Y' );

I. 06/22 14:07:07. 2019-06-22 14:07:07.702 Recalculation of peaks started...
I. 06/22 14:07:07. 2019-06-22 14:07:07.707 Recalculation of peaks for sampling_id 1 started...
I. 06/22 14:07:08. 2019-06-22 14:07:08.721 Recalculation of peaks for sampling_id 2 started...
I. 06/22 14:07:09. 2019-06-22 14:07:09.744 ...14946 rows processed all OK 
I. 06/22 14:07:09. 2019-06-22 14:07:09.747 ...Recalculation of peaks finished OK

Here is how to modify the first example to add progress messages:

CALL rroad_recalculate_peaks ( 2, 2, 'Y' );

Here's how the parameters are declared:

CREATE PROCEDURE rroad_recalculate_peaks (
   IN @input_from_sampling_id         UNSIGNED INTEGER,
   IN @input_to_sampling_id           UNSIGNED INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
   IN @send_messages_to_console       VARCHAR ( 1 ) DEFAULT 'N' )

Foxhound 5 » 8. Adhoc Queries