Foxhound 5.0 FAQ
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Question: Why is it called "unsetup" instead of "uninstall"?

Answer: The Foxhound installation process involves more than just an InstallShield / Windows Installer "setup" step, it includes a "post-setup" step. When you run the InstallShield / Windows Installer "uninstall" process, it only reverses the actions performed by the original "setup" step, not the "post-setup" command file...

That's why around here we call it "unsetup" instead of "uninstall".

The unsetup process uses the Microsoft Windows Installer command MsiExec.exe /X{B0FE1886-2DBE-4269-8EBD-2A3EF45C4EF5} command to reverse the actions of the original Foxhound InstallShield setup process. The MsiExec.exe /X unsetup process

  • removes shortucts from Start menu,
  • deletes files that were copied to the hard drive by the original setup step, and
  • generally makes it possible to install Foxhound again.

The unsetup process does not affect any of the files that were moved or copied by the post-setup process. In particular, the unsetup process will not delete the Foxhound database. This fact makes it possible to upgrade an existing database by first running unsetup and then installing a new version of Foxhound.

If you want to completely remove Foxhound from your system, you have to run the unsetup process and then manually delete the Foxhound folder.

By default, Foxhound is installed in this location on Windows 10:


See also...
How do I install Foxhound?
How do I install a new version of Foxhound?
How do I reinstall Foxhound?
Another version of this product is already installed.
How do I remove Foxhound from my system?

This page was last updated on February 27, 2017.      Foxhound 5.0 FAQ Home      Foxhound Home      RisingRoad