Message: Management of procedure rroad_ ... _properties failed on ...: SQLCODE = ..., SQLSTATE = ..., ERRORMSG() = ...
Message: Permission denied: you do not have permission to use the "CREATE PROCEDURE" statement
Explanation: If you see SPs: NNN on the Monitor or History pages, check Foxhound Options - 7. Diagnostics - Display Diagnostics.
If you see the "Management of procedure ... failed on" messages, something went wrong with the Foxhound process that tries to push
the three special procedures to your target database:
If you see "Permission denied: you do not have permission to use the "CREATE PROCEDURE" statement"
try using a different user id for Foxhound to connect to the target database, or manually create the rroad_xxx_procedures ahead of time:
2020-07-08 13:57:13.310 Full Build 5482a 1000059723 701.e3(701eh3) Management of procedure rroad_engine_properties failed on ddd17 string:
SQLCODE = -660, SQLSTATE = WO005, ERRORMSG() = Server 'p002': [SAP][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]
Permission denied: you do not have permission to use the "CREATE PROCEDURE" statement [8-ddd17 string]
2020-07-08 13:57:13.321 Full Build 5482a 1000059723 702.e3(702eh3) Management of procedure rroad_database_properties failed on ddd17 string:
SQLCODE = -660, SQLSTATE = WO005, ERRORMSG() = Server 'p002': [SAP][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]
Permission denied: you do not have permission to use the "CREATE PROCEDURE" statement [8-ddd17 string]
2020-07-08 13:57:13.333 Full Build 5482a 1000059723 700.e3(700eh3) Management of procedure rroad_connection_properties failed on ddd17 string:
SQLCODE = -660, SQLSTATE = WO005, ERRORMSG() = Server 'p002': [SAP][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]
Permission denied: you do not have permission to use the "CREATE PROCEDURE" statement [8-ddd17 string]
If you see the message "Duplicate Foxhound sampling sessions" because you have two sampling sessions connected to the same physical target database,
- perhaps via one connection to a High Availability primary database
- and another connection to the High Availability partner database that is acting as the primary,
an attempt to upgrade a procedure may fail on one of the connections because the upgrade has already worked on the other connection; for example:
8 2019-03-31 13:13:52.666 Full Build 5277a 1000000027 700.e3(700eh3)
Management of procedure rroad_connection_properties failed on primary_demo:
SQLCODE = -660, SQLSTATE = WO005, ERRORMSG() = Server 'p005': [SAP][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]
Item 'rroad_connection_properties' already exists [5-primary_demo]
9 2019-03-31 13:13:52.713 Full Build 5277a 1000000025 700.e4(701eh2)
Info: Procedure rroad_connection_properties has been upgraded to build number 5277 on partner1_demo [3-partner1_demo]
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