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Message: File system error: ... SQLCODE=-1066
Message: -1066, SQLSTATE = WO027, ERRORMSG() = File system error: ..., @batch_is_ok = "Y", @batch_number = "0", @sampling_id = "0"
Message: OFSS File system error: ... SQLCODE=-1066
Message: SQLCODE = -1066, SQLSTATE = WO027, ERRORMSG() = File system error: ..., @batch_is_ok = "Y", @batch_number = "0", @sampling_id = "0"
Message: UNC File system error: ... SQLCODE=-1066


If a CALL load_OFSS_samples() statement fails with "File system error: ... SQLCODE=-1066", and

  • you are using a UNC file specification like CALL load_OFSS_samples ( @load_path = '\\\\Inspiron\\c\\DATA\\InspironOFSSremote\\' )

  • with a copy of Foxhound being run as a Windows service,

  • try using the dbsvc -a and -p options to create the service to run under the account name and password for a Microsoft Windows account you have created

  • instead of using dbsvc -as to run under the Windows LocalSystem account.

For example, if you created the Foxhound service with dbsvc -as, you might see the following exception that is raised by a LOAD TABLE statement inside Foxhound:

-- Foxhound5 - 2 Adhoc Query via ISQL

CALL load_OFSS_samples ( @load_path = '\\\\Inspiron\\c\\DATA\\InspironOFSSremote\\', 
                         @encryption_key = 'KeHX8?k1Rqz/5FvOu{nhx1#mQxy0@95e' ); 

Could not execute statement.
File system error: \\Inspiron\c\DATA\InspironOFSSremote
SQLCODE=-1066, ODBC 3 State="HY000"
Line 1, column 1
(Continuing after error)
Procedure completed

-- Foxhound Options - 7. Diagnostics - Display Diagnostics

2019-08-01 09:38:33.990 Full Build 5372a 2 1600Bb4(OFSS1400eh8) SQLCODE = -1066, SQLSTATE = WO027, 
   ERRORMSG() = File system error: \\Inspiron\c\DATA\InspironOFSSremote, @batch_is_ok = "Y", @batch_number = "0", @sampling_id = "0"

Here's a snippet that shows how to modify the code in C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound5\scripts\$create_SQL_Anywhere_17_bin64_service.bat

ECHO To create the Foxhound5 service...
"C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 17\Bin64\dbsvc.exe"^
  -o "C:\ProgramData\RisingRoad\Foxhound5\dbsvc_log.txt"^
  -a youraccount^
  -p yourpassword^
  -s Automatic^
  -sn Foxhound5^
  -sd "Foxhound Version 5 Database Monitor Bin64 Service"^
  -t Network^
  -w Foxhound5 "C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 17\Bin64\dbsrv17.exe"^

This page was last updated on August 1, 2019.      Foxhound 5.0 FAQ Home      Foxhound Home      RisingRoad