Foxhound 5.0 FAQ
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Message: Connection was terminated
Message: -308 Connection was terminated
Message: Connection was dropped
Message: Error! The connection to the database was closed by the server. Connection was terminated SQLCODE=-308
Message: SQLCODE = -308, SQLSTATE = 40W07, ERRORMSG() = Connection was dropped


If this exception occurred in a Foxhound target database, check Foxhound for an Autodropped message.

If this exception occurred during a CALL start_OFSS_monitor() on a High Availability primary database, a failover may have occurred. Try rerunning the CALL start_OFSS_monitor() to connect to the new primary.

This page was last updated on August 4, 2019.      Foxhound 5.0 FAQ Home      Foxhound Home      RisingRoad